Miss Velma's "Christmas In America"

It doesn't get "kitschier" than this. Frankly, there are not words.
Some of you who live in So Cal might remember this.
Every Christmas, the "Universal World Church" ran their "Christmas in America" special featuring "Miss Velma" (who was a crack shot). Miss Velma's husband was Dr. O. L. Jaggers, who was some sort of Pentecostal evangelist with a gazillion fake degrees, and an act like Elvis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaggers claimed to have discovered the secret to eternal youth (of course, both looked haggard and old, and are now dead and gone). They built the "Golden Altar of Incense Prayer" in their church in downtown LA and for a time attracted a large following.
For many years, Miss Velma's "Christmas in America" special ran late at night on Christmas Eve. An employee of mine video taped it. The old CURE gang watched it after a White Horse Inn taping to howls of laughter. Nothing like explaining Miss Velma to Rod.
Someone at church mentioned it on Sunday, and since it is available on YouTube, I couldn't resist.
Be sure to watch some of the other snippets of Miss Velma's "Christmas in America" on YouTube as well ("Christmas in America"). The Christmas turtle is my favorite.
Reader Comments (10)
They don't make 'em like that any more.
Someone needs to do a book or documentary explaining the origins of religious eccentricity in Southern California.
Miss Velma must be smoking some of new medical marijuana that was approved by the voters here in Arizona. I'm sure that Miss Velma got her prescription from "Dr." Fred Price.
Are there implications here for church worship music? After all, who needs a pipe organ? The money we save by using a hand organ can be sent to further advance quality Christian broadcasting such as "Miss Velma".