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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from January 1, 2006 - January 31, 2006


Come to Church! Win a Big Screen!

Plasma TV.JPGA local church is passing out these sticky notes to promote their "Grand Re-Opening."  Apparently, it is anticipated that giving away a big screen or a playstation will bring better results for the "re-opening" than whatever they did when they opened the first time.

I thought about blacking out this church's name and website, but then changed my mind.  They deserve scrutiny for this tacky stunt. 

The deacon who gave me this asked me, "I wonder what we could give away to get people to come to our church?"  He was joking, of course.  But after some thought it occurred to me that we do need more money in our budget next year for passes to the local shooting range, concert tickets for the Orange County symphony, tour passes for one of the local wineries, or even gift certificates for the Archives used bookstore in Pasadena (Click here: The Archives Bookshop Homepage).  That might encourage a visitor or two . . . 

Any thoughts? 


"I Exalt Me"



OK, this is probably the funniest clip I've seen in a long time!  Make sure you've got your speakers turned on!


What's Wrong With This Picture?


Government Bureaucrats . . .  You gotta love 'em! 



Great Architecture, Horrible Theology

Here's a link to a beautiful photo essay entitled, "The Age of the Megachurch."  Even the Mormons are building mega whatevers . . .  Click here: The Age of the Megachurch

Included are Joel Osteen's new digs in Houston, Willow Creek, the new Mormon Conference Center in Salt Lake, Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles, and Christ Reformed's neighbor, Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral.