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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from November 1, 2017 - November 30, 2017


Apologetics in a Post Christian Age (Audio) -- Basic Categories (Part Five)

Here's the audio from Wednesday Night's Bible study: "Basic Categories -- The Basic Christian Truth Claim from 2 Corinthians 5:19"  Click Here

Previous lectures in this series can be found here (scroll down): Apologetics in a Post Christian Age


"At the Time of the End" -- Daniel 11:36-45

The Twentieth in a Series of Sermons on the Book of Daniel

It was April 23rd, 536 BC.  The prophet Daniel was standing on the bank of the Tigris River when a mysterious visitor appeared to him and revealed that Daniel was about to receive the next in a series of visions which YHWH had given him throughout his time as an exile in Babylon.  The appearance of this mysterious visitor–the pre-incarnate Jesus–caused Daniel great fear.  The very presence of the holy visitor exposes Daniel’s sinfulness, causing him to fall on his face.  Reassured of God’s favor by the visitor, the vision now given Daniel will foretell the future of those Jewish exiles who had recently departed from Babylon, when Cyrus, the Persian king, released them in 538 BC to return to Judah, rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the temple of YHWH.  Jeremiah’s prophecy that Israel’s time of exile was limited to seventy years was now fulfilled.  But Daniel learns that although the time of exile is over and the Jews have returned to the promised land, the glory days for Israel are over.  Jerusalem and the temple will be rebuilt, but Judah will be trapped between two empires bent on waging war upon each other–the Seleucids (to the North) and the Ptolemies (to the south).  As the vision comes to an end, Daniel will be given a glimpse into the distant future, a time when a mighty blasphemer will arise, boasting about himself and making threats to the people of God (an Antichrist), who, at the time of the end, will be destroyed by YHWH’s kingdom which triumphs over all on the day of resurrection and final judgment.

The vision recounted in Daniel 11:2-35 is utterly remarkable in that Judah’s future is foretold hundreds of year in advance with an amazing level of accuracy and detail.  The vision reads like history written in advance, which is why critical scholars argue that this “vision” must have been written after the fact.  We will turn our attention to the details of the passage shortly, but we must not miss the forest for the trees as we proceed.  YHWH has ordained Israel’s future (seventy weeks have been decreed) and is directing all things to their appointed ends.  Israel’s time in exile has now come to an end.  The Jews have returned to Judah and begun to rebuild.  But their troubles are not over.

As for their immediate future, the Jews will again possess the land, rebuild Jerusalem, its walls, as well as the temple of YHWH.  But in the period which follows (so-called Second Temple Judaism), Judah will function as a vassal state, first of the Persians, and then the Greeks, before finding themselves caught in the middle of a prolonged struggle between two kingdoms (one to the north and one to the south).  Despite the troubles to come, YHWH is still fulfilling his purposes, which include the coming of a messianic age and the rise of a future Antichrist at the time of the end.  

Daniel’s divine visitor informs the prophet that these historical clashes and political intrigue are the visible manifestation of unseen combat between powerful spiritual forces–the angelic forces of YHWH (including the angels Gabriel and Michael) warring against demonic forces (called “princes”) which manipulate world empires to wage war upon and persecute the people of God.  Yet, YHWH will protect his people and his Messiah will come.  In fact, Daniel has learned that a coming Messiah will finish the transgression, put an end to sin, atone for iniquity, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal both vision and prophet, and anoint a most holy place, before the time decreed by YHWH is completed (9:24).

To read the rest of this sermon, Click Here


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 27- December 3)

Sunday Morning, December 3:  We continue our look at the Prophecy of Jonah (as part of our series on the Minor prophets).  We will be considering Jonah's renewed call and his preaching to the Ninevites (Jonah 2:1-3:10). Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Afternoon:  In our on-going study of the Heidelberg Catechism, we are discussing the Lord's Prayer as a pattern for all Christian prayer (Lord's Day 47, Q & A 122).  Why do we pray "hallowed be thy name?"  Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Wednesday Night Bible Study (November 29 @ 7:30 p.m.):  We are continuing our series, "Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age."  We will be discussing the nature of the Christian truth claim. 

The Academy is on hiatus until 2018.

For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Church), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).


"Three Days and Three Nights" -- Jonah 1:4-17

Here's the audio of this morning's sermon on the Minor Prophets from the Book of Jonah (2)

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

The Worship Service

What should a properly-ordered church service look like? In worship, are Christians actors or spectators? Do we come to church in order to give God something, or to receive something from God? On this program, the hosts are wrapping up their series on worship as they take a look at the subject of “liturgy.” Though many Christians in our day may not even be familiar with this word, it simply refers to the structure and form of worship. In other words, like theology, everyone has a liturgy; the question is whether the pattern of our worship is rooted in Scripture, or in the beliefs, forms, and practices of our surrounding culture.

Click Here


Thanksgiving Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 20-26)

Sunday Morning, November 26:  We continue with our series on the Minor Prophets, and are working our way through the Book of Jonah as we consider God's sending a great storm and Jonah being swallowed by a great fish (Jonah 1:4-17).  Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday Afternoon:  We are discussing the importance and purpose of prayer (Lord's Day 46, Q & A 120-121) in our on-going study of the Heidelberg Catechism.  We will look at the Lord's Prayer as a model for proper prayer.  Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.

Our Thanksiving Service (Thursday, November 23 @ 10:00 a.m.):  You, your family and friends are invited to join us for our annual Thanksgiving service.  Come join us for worship on this special day as we raise our voices in song and prayers to our faithful God.  Rev. Brad Lenzner will be leading the Thanksgiving service this year, preaching from Psalm 100, "Free Grace for the Thankless."

No Wednesday night Bible Study this week

The Academy is on hiatus until 2018

For more information on Christ Reformed Church you can always find us here (Christ Reformed Church), or on Facebook (Christ Reformed on Facebook).


Audio from Author's Forum with Dr. Steve Baugh

Here's the audio from Friday's Author's Forum with Dr. Steve Baugh, lecturing on his new book,“The Majesty on High




"Go to Nineveh" -- Jonah 1:1-3

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon on the Minor Prophets from the Prophecy of Jonah (1)

Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Body & Soul

If you poll a number of Americans on the topic of religion, you’re likely to hear many of them say that though they don’t identify with “organized religion,” they do consider themselves to be “spiritual, but not religious.” But why is this individualistic, private, and unaccountable version of spirituality attractive in our day? On this program, the hosts will be contrasting contemporary versions of spirituality, both inside and outside the church, with the beliefs and practices of classical Christianity as they continue their series on worship.

Body & Soul


Apologetics in a Post Christian Age (Audio) -- Basic Categories (Part Four)

Here's the audio from Wednesday Night's Bible study: "Basic Categories -- Therapeutic Moralistic Deism and the New Paganism"  Click Here

Previous lectures in this series can be found here (scroll down): Apologetics in a Post Christian Age