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Entries in Christ Reformed News (689)


Christmas Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 21-27)

You are invited to join us as we gather for our annual Service of Lessons and Carols on Thursday, December 24 at 2:30 p.m.

This is a wonderful opportunity to hear the Scriptures read and proclaimed, and sing Christmas carols. What makes this service so rich is that the liturgy situates the birth of Christ against the backdrop of redemptive history. The incarnation is a key part of the creation-fall-redemption-consummation movement in scripture and the nine lessons illustrate that vividly.  Space is limited, so make your reservations early on the Christ Reformed Church website (via link at the top of the C-Ref website). 

The service will be live streamed and uploaded to the Christ Reformed YouTube Channel for later viewing:  Christ Reformed Church Lessons and Carols 2020

Sunday, December 27:  Worship services will be held outdoors in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  We will wrap up our time in the Gospel of Luke with Zechariah's "song" in Luke 1:57-80.  

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Social distancing and face coverings are required.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 14-20)

Sunday, December 20:  Worship services will be held outdoors in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  We will turn to the Gospel of Luke the next three Lord's Days.  This coming Sunday (the fourth Sunday in Advent), we will consider Isaiah's prophecy of a coming redeemer who is "God with us" (Isaiah 9:1-7), and its fulfilment in Luke 1:26-38 (the birth of Jesus foretold).  

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Social distancing and face coverings are required.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 7-13)

Sunday, December 13:  Worship services will be held outdoors in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  We will turn to the Gospel of Luke the next three Lord's Days.  This coming Sunday (the third Sunday in Advent), we consider Luke's account of the event surrounding the birth of Jesus.  Our text is Luke 1:5-25 (the birth of John the Baptist foretold).  

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Social distancing and face coverings are still required at this time.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 30-December 6)

Sunday, December 6:  Worship services will be held outdoors in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  We conclude our look at Paul's discussion of the future of Israel (Romans 11:16-36).


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 23-29)

Sunday, November 29:  Worship services will be held outdoors in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  As we continue our series on the Book of Romans, we come to Paul's discussion of the future of Israel (Romans 11:1-15).

Note:  Due to Covid-19, we have cancelled our annual Thanksgiving Service.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 16-22) -- Updated

Sunday, November 22:  Worship services will be held outdoors in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  We come to Paul's discussion of the relationship of faith to the preaching of the gospel.  Our text is Romans 10:14-21 

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is @ 1:15 p.m.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching.

Wednesday, November 18 @ 7:30 p.m.:  Note:  The Bible Study has been cancelled due to covid-19 restrictions 


Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Social distancing and face coverings are still required at this time.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 9-15)

Sunday, November 15:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This Lord's Day we will address Paul's discussion of two kinds of righteousness and how Christ is the end of the law (Romans 10:4-13). 

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is @ 1:15 p.m., in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching.

Wednesday, November 11 @ 7:30 p.m.  In our "Reading the Bible with Paul" series, we continue our time in 1 Corinthians 10:1-14, and Paul's discussion of Israel's example to the Corinthians.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 2-8)

Sunday, November 8:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The first service will be live-streamed.  As we continue our series on the Book of Romans, we take up Paul's discussion of Jesus as the stone of stumbling (in Romans 9:25-10:3). 

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is @ 1:15 p.m., in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching.

Wednesday, November 4 @ 7:30 p.m.  In our "Reading the Bible with Paul" series, we come to 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, and Paul's discussion of Israel's example.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.


Christ Reformed's Twenty-Fifth Anniversary -- Some Thoughts

The Christ Reformed family celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary this past Lord's Day (which was also Reformation Sunday).  Mike Horton joined us for the big occasion--he co-founded Christ Reformed with me in 1995, and did most of the preaching for the first year of our existence until he began his post-doctoral work at Yale.  You can find a brief history of Christ Reformed and some pictures here (Christ Reformed Beginnings, More Blasts from the Past).

Like any other church, we've seen our fair share of ups and downs, tragedies and death, and gut wrenching decisions.  But at the end of twenty-five years (and especially since I am two months short of my retirement), looking back, I am so very thankful that God has brought our congregation so many wonderful blessings.  I cannot even begin to list them all, nor will I try.  To paraphrase John 21:25, "not all the council and consistory minutes in the world could record the wonderful and amazing things God has done in our midst."

Our church family has witnessed scores of baptisms (infant and adult converts), conversions, and professions of faith from our covenant children and adults.  We have seen several dozen weddings, far fewer funerals (thankfully), and I am now baptizing the children of those whom I baptized when they were children, then witnessed their professions of faith, then conducted their weddings, and now I see them presenting their own children for baptism.  Wow, what a blessing.  We have been privileged to witness God's kingdom active in our midst!

Some pastors have described theirs as a lonely calling, filled with long hours, tears, heartbreak, and hardship.  I've experienced some of that (especially the long hours), but I have been spared from much.  I've also made many dear friends (of the deep and abiding kind), I've served with so many faithful co-laborers (fellow ministers and elders), and Christ Reformed has so many members who have used their spiritual gifts in the service of others, who have supported Christ Reformed financially, and with their sweat equity.  And then there are the greatest among us--those who have prayed for and served one another with genuine Christian love and sacrifice.

So, at the end of twenty-five years, I stand in awe at the mercies of God and my heart is full.  I look forward to witnessing and enjoying God's future blessings upon Christ Reformed Church because God is faithful to his people.


This Week at Christ Reformed Church (October 26-November 1)

Sunday, November 1:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The first service will be live-streamed.  We return to our series on the Book of Romans.  We will tackle Paul's discussion of Jacob and Esau from Romans 9:6-24. 

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is @ 1:15 p.m., in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching.

Wednesday, October 28 @ 7:30 p.m.  Our series is entitled "Reading the Bible with Paul."  We will wrap up our look at Galatians 4:21-31.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go the Christ Reformed Church website ( and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the live stream.