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My Poor Wife . . .

Tomorrow (August 5) is our 30th wedding anniversary! 

My poor wife has endured much these last 30 years.  I promised her fame and fortune--instead, she ended up a pastor's wife, a calling at which she's excelled, I might add. 

Without a word of complaint, she's endured many a Yankee game (in person, or on TV), she's endured my absence too many an evening (if the truth were known, she probably enjoyed that part), having her living room turned into my study, cigar smoke, loud music, all of my theologian/pastor friends, and my mid-life crisis (a car).  Not to be overlooked, is my most recent middle-age affliction-snoring.  That one, she's complained about (just a bit).

We've raised two boys (Dave and Mark), two dogs (Willie and Andy), and we have lived in the same place the whole time (our old family home).  We've aged well (except for the top of my head) and so far have enjoyed good health.  We've made countless friends, and we've seen many of the places in the world we wished to see.  Most important of all, we witnessed our two beloved sons make profession of faith in Christ.

As you can see in the picture, we were young once.  But, we have grown older together and we await the joy
(Lord willing) of watching our sons pursue their callings, get married, and give us grandchildren (should that be the Lord's will).

Where did those thirty years go?  Seems like only yesterday that I showed up at an employee Bible study at Knott's Berry Farm, and to my great surprise saw Micki in attendance.  We'd been in grade school together, but paid each other no mind until crossing paths again at Knott's.  Six months later we were married.  Now, thirty years have flown by . . .

All of that is to say that God has been very, very good to us.  And I am very, very thankful to be a recipient of his love, grace, and mercy. . . much of that coming to me through the care and love of my dear wife.

Reader Comments (13)

Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary, Dr. and Mrs. Riddlebarger!

Proverbs 18:22:
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing
And obtains favor from the LORD."

May God continue to bless your marriage, family, and ministry!

Yours truly,
Bill Hornbeck
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBill Hornbeck
Happy Anniversary, and hope for another 30 years!

Kim: I'll bet you can relate to this: You know how our wives always know what we are thinking, and what our motives are. A few years ago, I bought baseball tickets on Mother's day. I told my wife -- "Honey, I've made great plans on your big day, I went out and bought us some tickets to the Dodgers game for Mother's day." She said, "that's what YOU want to do on Mother's day."

I learned my lesson, no more ball games on Mothers day! (She'd rather go to the mall!)
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd
Happy anniversary! My wife and I have you beat to 30 by about a month. 'taint for sissies, is it?<grin>
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPB

My husband and I have just completed 15 *months* of marriage, and we're both already 38. I pray that we get 30 years and more!!

And may you have 30 more years as well.
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
Congratulatons to you both and here's wishing you another very happy 30 to come!
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian Davilla
Congratulations Kim! I hope you will be "wining and dining" Miki tomorrow like you should! :)
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLA
Congratulations Kim and Micki! One person who commented already hits the nail of the matter on the head stating it is not for sissies. You also hit it well in your expression of the last thirty years for you and Micki. Only via this trade off of the work involved in this God ordained relationship could one find such love outside the love one finds within God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you for your heart felt expression of your love for Micki and her love for you. It is a much needed example to all who head to or aim to go down this path for it is truly not for sissies but it is for those who are willing to work hard for much to gain.
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMike Moore
It's so beautiful how your love of a lifetime has become a lifetime of love!!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!
August 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMaryBeth
Wow, you two looked great! And I'm sure you still do:) You don't see or hear much anymore of a couple staying together and sticking it out in sickness and in health. Its so refreshing to read this post. May the Lord bless you with many more years of good marraige, and many grandchildren who the Lord saves and adds to your quiver. Blessings to you both!
August 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterplw
Happy Anniversary!!

We celebrate our 26th today- Aug 7th.


Chris and Marie Sherman (Just back from the English L'abri)
August 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris Sherman
Congratulations Kim and Micki!
August 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertiminator
Look at that mustache!
August 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwalt
Wow, what a great picture. You two have aged very well, and were and still are a very handsome couple. Micki still has the most beautiful dimpled smile, and Kim twinkling dark eyes. Cary just peeked over my shoulder,"Who's that?" I told him Kim and Micki! "Gosh, I didn't even recognize him." "That's Mark", he says. Did you realize how much Mark looks like you?
Happy belated anniversary! Your inspiring and wonderful folks!
September 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

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