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Entries in Who Said That? (228)


Who Said That?

"vaj jangta' joH'a', je ja'ta', “ ta'taH Job taHvIp joH'a' vaD pagh? ghajbe' SoH chenmoHta' ghaH, je Daj tuq, je Hoch vetlh ghaH ghajtaH, Daq Hoch retlh? SoH ghaj ghurtaH the vum vo' Daj ghopDu', je Daj ghaH Daq the puH. 'ach lan vo' lIj ghop DaH, je Hoch vetlh ghaH ghajtaH, je ghaH DIchDaq SoH Daq lIj qab.”

Have fun with his one!  Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  The answer will be posted next week--just click on the "Who Said That?" icon to see past editions.


Who Said That?

"But here's first what I see for Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).  You're going to have people raised from the dead watching this network.  You're going to have people raised from the dead watching TBN.  Programs -- just plain programs -- programs that haven't done much when it comes to supernatural manifestations -- teaching programs!"

This one is offered in the spirit of "end of the year" predictions.  Leave your guess in the comments section.  Answer to come next week.  To see past editions of "who said that?" click on the "who said that?" icon.


Who Said That?

"I was raised in a Baptist household, I went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98 percent the same ideas of Scientology, 98 percent the same ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism."

You know the drill.  Please leave your guess in the comments section below. The answer will be posted in one week.  To see past editions of "Who Said That?" click on the "Who Said That?" icon below.


Who Said That?

"It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life. . .  All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter and I asked for help. ... I was a one-step program guy . . . I do believe there is an almighty that is broad and big enough and loving enough that can encompass a lot of people."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  Answer will be posted next week.  Click on the "Who Said That?" icon to check for an answer to past editions.


Who Said That?

"But the precepts in what you call your Gospel are so marvelous and great that I don't think that anyone could possibly keep them.  For I took the trouble to read them.  But this is what surprises us most, that you who claim to be pious and believe yourselves to be different from the others do not segregate yourselves from them, nor do you observe a manner of life different from that of the Gentiles, for you do not keep the feasts or sabbaths, nor do you practice the rite of circumcision.  You place your hope in a crucified man, and still expect to receive favors from God when you disregard His commandments."

You know the drill. Leave your guesses in the comments section.  Please, no google searches or cheating.

Answers are posted the week following.  To check out prior editions (or find the source of the quote) click on the "who said that" link.


Who Said That?

"The way forward for theological education will be deeply interfaith, or it will fail.  The fact is our lives are now interfaith, in bone-deep ways.  We live in interfaith families; we eat Middle Eastern food for lunch, kosher for dinner. ... We have hymns on our iPods, yoga mats in our backpacks, Torah prayers by our bedsides. "

OK . . . Who said that?  Leave your guesses in the comments section below.  Please, no google searches.  The whole point is to guess!


Who Said That?

"However, contrary to strong Calvinism, in regard to the freedom of accepting God's gift of salvation the Bible is clear:  Fallen beings are free."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Please no cheating or google searches.


Who Said That?

"I was totally fascinated by the New Testament. I must have read it a few thousand times. One day I was reading the Gospel of John 10: 30, where Jesus says, `I and God are one.' The crowd immediately wants to stone him for blasphemy. But he quotes a psalm that says `You are Gods, sons of the most high,' which he tells them was addressed to `those to whom the word of God came.' He clearly sees himself as equivalent to that group.

I interpreted this as `those who have knowledge of God are God.' In Eastern philosophical systems there's an established idea of a path through personal consciousness to a collective conscience to a universal conscience, which people call the divine. I concluded that Jesus must have experienced this consciousness, and that he must have followed a path. The story is about that evolution."

You know the drill.  Leave your guess in the comments section below!  Please no google searches.  Also, if you want to look at past editions of "Who Said That?" or get an answer to a prior question, simply click on the "Who Said That?" link.


Who Said That?

"The writings of Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556), especially `Rules for the Discernment of Spirits' contained in his Spiritual Exercises, exhibit a care, a depth of insight, and a profundity of guidance about the inner life that is completely off the radar screen among contemporary Evangelicals. We neglect this literature at the cost of our own impoverishment."

Leave your guess in the comments section.  Please, no google searches or cheating.  The whole point is to make a guess!


Who Said That?

"Not every intimate intercourse with the unconverted world is deemed lawful, by Calvinism, for it placed a barrier against the too unhallowed influence of this world by putting a distinct 'veto' upon three things, card playing, theatres, and dancing..."

Leave your guess in the comments section below.  Answer will be posted next week.  No google searches or cheating.