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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries by Kim Riddlebarger (3928)


When the Academy Resumes . . . 

When the Academy at Christ Reformed resumes on Friday nights in September (date TBA), we'll begin with a two week discussion of Dr. W. Robert Godfrey's excellent biography of Calvin, John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor

Then, we'll spend two weeks discussing Michael Horton's Calvin on the Christian Life.

So, if you plan on attending, get the books and start reading!


Back from the Sierras








It is always hard to pack the car to head back home after my annual trek in the Eastern Sierras--but then, I am always glad to be home.  I enjoyed an afternoon hike with good friends along the Mammoth Crest, and an excursion to Olmsted Point (in Yosemite) where you can see Half-Dome from many miles distant.


I got to walk in the footsteps of both John Wayne (if you've seen True Grit, you've seen this location) and Huell Howser, who once urged Californians to stop to see the "Upside-Down House" in Lee Vining--won't make that mistake again.








I also enjoyed an evening by the campfire with some church folk, and some good food in one of my favorite restaurants.















I even got to do some hunting--stupid mouse messed with the wrong guy.


"The Lord Preserves" -- Genesis 7:6-8:19

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:  Click Here


This Week's White Horse Inn

Chaos and Grace

What is the state of contemporary Christianity, and what are some of the trends that are shaping the way we think about God, heaven, hell, and the Christian life? Why are evangelical Christians prone to think about the gospel in subjective and experiential terms? On this edition of White Horse Inn, Michael Horton will be discussing these questions with Mark Galli, Senior Managing Editor of Christianity Today magazine and author of Chaos & Grace: Discovering the Liberating Work of the Holy Spirit.

Click Here


"God Recreates" -- Genesis 6:9-7:5

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon from Rev. Chris Coleman

Click Here



This Week's White Horse Inn

God in the Worldwind

Why are so many Christians focused on practical Christian living rather than on understanding who God is and what he has done for us? Why are we more interested in our own subjective experience than we are with objective truth? Joining the discussion is David Wells, author of numerous books including No Place for Truth, The Courage to Be Protestant, and most recently God in the Whirlwind.

Click Here



Friday Feature -- St. Crispin's Day

Best pre-battle speech ever?


Free B. B. Warfield eBook from

A compilation of sermons from B. B. Warfield, published under the title Faith and Life, is now available for free in both EPUB and Kindle.Mobi formats from  You can find it here:  Warfield's Faith and Life

According to the publisher (John Hendrix),

B. B. Warfield kept up the Princeton tradition of Sunday afternoon classes with the students of the Seminary in which, in his own words, 'the deepest currents of the Christian faith and life were explored'. This book contains some of the memorable addresses he gave on those occasions.

There was a time when Princeton Seminary was the center of biblical Presbyterian training of the highest caliber in the U.S.. Such notable professors as Archibald Alexander, Samuel Miller, and Charles Hodge would have addresses for students on Sunday afternoons. B. B. Warfield, the lion of Princeton, continued this practice. These 41 chapters come from some of these addresses to Warfield's students.

The contents of this book is tremendous and highly recommended.

The Cause of God - 1 Kings 19:9
Old Testament Religion - Psalm 51:12
The Wrath of Man - Psalm 76:10
For Christ's Sake - Matt 5:11
This - and Other-Worldliness - Matt 6:33
Light and Shining - Mark 4:31-35
Childlikeness - Mark 10:15
The Glory of the Word - John 1:1
Looking to Men - John 5:44
A Half-learned Christ - John 6:68-69
The Conviction of the Spirit - John 16:8-11
Christ's Prayer for His People - John 17:15
The Outpouring of the Spirit - Acts 2:16, 17
Prayer as a Means of Grace - Acts 9:11
Surrender and Consecration - Acts 22:10
The Summation of the Gospel - Acts 26:18
The Spirit's Testimony to Our Sonship - Rom 8:16
The Spirit's Help in Our Praying - Rom 8:26, 27
All Things Working Together for Good - Rom 8:28
Man's Husbandry and God's Bounty - 1 Cor 3:5-9
Communion in Christ's Body and Blood - 1 Cor 10:16
The Spirit of Faith - 2 Cor 4:13
New Testament Puritanism - 2 Cor 6:11—7:1
Paul's Great Thanksgiving - Eph 1:3-14
Spiritual Strengthening - Eph 3:16
The Fullness of God - Eph 3:19
The Sealing of the Holy Spirit - Eph 4:30
Working Out Salvation (Phil 2:12, 13)
The Alien Righteousness - Phil 3:9
Peace With God - Phil 4:7
The Heritage of the Saints in Light - Col 1:12
The Hidden Life - Col 3:1-4
Entire Sanctification - 1 Thess 5:23, 24
The Mystery of Godliness - 1 Tim 3:16
The Inviolate Deposit - 1 Tim 6:20, 21
The Way of Life - Titus 3:4-9
The Eternal Gospel - 2 Tim 1:9, 10
Communion with Christ -2 Tim 2:11-13
Prayer as a Practice - James 5:16
God's Holiness and Ours - 1 Pet 1:15
Childship to God - 1 Jno 2:28—3:1



And a Good Time Was Had By All in Vail 

Here I am delivering my address on the "Biblical Witness to the Doctrine of the Trinity."  One advantage of being bald, I'm easy to see against a dark background in a big room.

We taped several live White Horse Inn programs, this one on the "American Religion" with the usual cast of characters and special guest, Greg Koukl from Stand to Reason.

Our Producer, Shane Rosenthal, who is responsible for much of the success of the White Horse Inn, and the beloved Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, everyone's favorite Lutheran.










Greg Koukl joined us, as did an old friend of the White Horse Inn, Ben Sasse, Republican candidate for the US Senate from Nebraska.  Ben and my wife Micki bonded long ago over their common "Cornhusker" roots.







Mike Horton delivered two remarkable lectures, one on the development of the doctrine of the Trinity in the early church, and the other on the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  Great stuff!

Adam Christing (founder of Clean Comedians) emceed the event and kept us laughing while keeping things moving.

It was great to see so many old friends, and make many new ones!  All of the lectures were recorded and will be available when broadcast through the White Horse Inn!

Keep listening!


"Now Let Me Die, Since I Have Seen Your Face” -- Genesis 45:16-46:30

Here's the audio from this morning's sermon:  Click Here