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Entries in Riddleblog News (220)


The New Riddleblog Goes Live!

The New Riddleblog goes live!  Check it out.

This blog will remain up and running as I update and move material over to the new blog.


The Transition to My New Blog Is Underway . . .

The New Instragram Account is Ready!

So Is the New Twitter Account: 




A New "Riddleblog" on the Way!

When I started blogging back in November of 2005, I established the Riddleblog on Squarespace.  Squarespace has updated its software several times, but eventually introduced an entirely new version (7.0), which left those of us still using version 5.0 hopelessly behind. 

Since I am retiring from my pastoral duties at Christ Reformed Church at year end, this is a good time to move to the most recent version of Squarespace.  This requires virtually a new blog created from scratch.  I am far along in this process.  It will work much better than the current Riddleblog with smartphones and tablets.

So, here's the plan.

1).  When I make the move to the new blog (in the next several months), I'll direct you to the new site with a new domain name.  This means you will have to update your links to access the new content.

2).  But I will maintain the current Riddleblog until I am able to move all the content over to the new blog.  Over the course of 15 years, I've accumulated much material and many resources, and far too many broken links.  There is much to move and update.  It will take me some time to accomplish this.  So the current Riddleblog will be around for a while.

3).  I will update my social media accounts at the same time I make the move.  My Facebook page (the Riddleblog) will remain, but I will add a Riddleblog Twitter account along with a personal Instagram page.  I have two grandchildren on the way and, of course, will want to show them off.

I also have plans for a totally new venture, but I will wait to spill the beans on that later--stay tuned.


Making the Case for Amillennialism


Big Changes Coming for the Riddleblogger

Many of you know that after twenty-five wonderful years I will be retiring at year end from my duties as Senior Pastor at Christ Reformed Church.

My wife, Micki, has recently retired after forty years working in travel accounting.  She's worked very hard, has had a distinguished career, and deserves a respite from the long and wearisome hours spent at her computer looking at fill-in templates and spreadsheets which I cannot even begin to understand.

We are also anticipating the birth of our first grandchild in January.  We are absolutely thrilled.  More to come?  Hope so!

Big changes, indeed.

So, in light of these changes, what does the future hold for me and the Riddleblog? 

Although I am retiring as a Senior Pastor, I won't be unemployed.  I'll be teaching two classes at Westminster Seminary California in the Spring of 2021.  Only the Lord knows what I'll be doing beyond that.  If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it is that the normal routines of life can quickly change in dramatic and unexpected ways.

As you may have noticed the last few years, my productivity at the Riddleblog has slowed, in part, because my pastoral duties at Christ Reformed have required my full attention and diminishing energies.  I have focused upon my church duties and related preaching and Bible study/lectures (the content of which has been made available on the Riddleblog).

I also made the decision that given the tribalism of our current political context, it was important that I steer clear of divisive political issues and personalities (about which I maintain great interest and have strong opinions) and concentrate on my calling to preach God's word and administer the sacraments, as well as utilize my teaching gifts.  Others are better equipped for the social media Jihad than I.

So, as my retirement from Christ Reformed draws near, I can say that I intend to stay active after stepping down as long as health allows and interest remains.  I'd like to complete several writing projects, teach as I can, and retool the Riddleblog (more on this in the months ahead). 

But before I retire, I still have the glorious opportunity to preach through the rest of Romans.  Lord willing, that is what I will do.  To paraphrase Yogi Berra, "it ain't over till the last doxology is sung."

Stay tuned . . .


"The History of Apologetics" Released by Zondervan

You can purchase it here:  History of Apologetics


Summer at the Riddleblog

Hard to believe--given the June gloom and unseasonably cool temps here in Orange County so far--that summer has arrived.

I'm now on vacation and taking my annual sabbatical break.  I'll return (Lord willing) to my church duties in late August.  In the meantime, I'm working on a summer series which will roll out shortly.

It has been a wonderful year for our family.  Both Riddlebarger boys got married and my wife and I now have two new wonderful daughters-in-law.  The picture above was taken in April, with Brianna, Mark, Nancy (on her wedding day with Dave), the missus and me.  Hopefully, we'll get to spend some time together!

Stay tuned . . .


Dave and Nancy -- Congratulations!

Our oldest son David, and his new bride Nancy (nee Robles), were married in Simi Valley CA, on Friday, April 26th. 

The new bride and groom will live in Marina Del Rey and attend Valley Presbyterian Church (PCA).

What a day of great joy and thanksgiving for God's wonderful blessings!  The Lord has given Micki and me two wonderful sons, and now two wonderful daughters-in-law (Mark and Brianna).

We are thrilled.  We are thankful.  We are truly blessed.


Merry Christmas from the Riddleblog!

Merry Christmas from the Riddlebargers! 

My wife Micki is hiding in the shadows.  Our son Mark, and daughter in law Brianna, are on the right.  Our son Dave, and his fiance Nancy Robles, are on the left.

But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

Titus 3:4-7


Know Anyone in Sioux Falls?

I'll be speaking at the Fall Conference at Christ Reformed Church (URCNA) in Sioux Falls SD (October 12-13), and then preaching on Sunday, October 14.

If you live in the Sioux Falls area or know anyone who does, here's the conference schedule and information (Beginning Look at the End Times):

Fall Conference 2018 Schedule

Friday - October 12, 2018

  • 6:00 PM - Registration
  • 6:30 PM - Dinner is served. (pre-register to reserve your dinner).
  • 7:30 PM - Session 1: Is the Millennium Literal or Figurative?  
    • In this introductory lecture on the millennial question (Revelation 20), Dr. Riddlebarger emphasizes the importance of the hotly debated issue by arguing for a proper interpretation of Scripture over against idle speculation. 

Saturday - October 13, 2018

  • 8:00 AM - Registration
  • 8:30 AM - Session 2: Where Do We See Christ in the Old Testament?  
    • We consider the historic argument for a Christ-centered reading of the Old Testament, which compared and contrasted to dispensationalism. 
  • 10:00 AM - Session 3: What Happens to Israel?  
    • Romans 9-11 are expounded to show the future of the nation of Israel.
  • 11:30 AM - Session 4: Questions & Answers
    • Ask Dr. Riddlebarger your questions about eschatology.

Sunday - October 14, 2018

  • 10:15 AM - Catechism Class - Session 5: What are the Signs of the End?   
    • Here Dr. Riddlebarger focuses on what has taken place already in redemptive history and what remains to be fulfilled - the already and the not yet. 
  • 11:15 AM - Morning Worship - Session 6: The Antichrist Today   
    • In his sermon from the epistles of John, Dr. Riddlebarger explains the Antichrist and what this means for us today. 
  • 12:45 PM - Fellowship Lunch is Served.  All are welcome to attend!
  • 6:15 PM - Evening Worship - Ending the Lord's Day like we began it: in worship