Who Said That?

Who Said That?
"Don't pray no stupid prayers"
I'm giving you an easy one this time! Hint--repeat the quote with a drawl. Leave your answer in the comments section. But try and guess who this is before looking at the comments. No cheating or google searches.
Update on Monday, October 16, 2006 at 01:26PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

Reader Comments (40)
Beth Moore... she does have a sort of "draw"...
Although she is more polished and to classy to say something like "Don't pray no stupid prayers"
Your "double English major" could have benefited from some French lessons; it would have kept you from barbarically misspelling “faux pas”!
Just picking on you...
ooowww! man, now i will get a B+ for that. coulda sworn i typed "s." must have been still processing the "u" from faux.
but tell me: is the plural for multiple infractions "faux pas's" or still just "faux pas"?
The plural is spelled the same, but then you pronounce the final "s"
In between beers, Luther told Melanchton: "Melly, sin boldly, and don't pray no stupid prayers!!"
Mabye not.
Me thinks it's Osteen.
"Jenny...don't pray no stupid prayers."
With that double negative ("don't ... no"), he/she must be a "dualistic, differentiatin', distinguishin', dispensationalist with a classic case of diplopia.
I hope the disease dissipates quickly; I'm waitin' for its demise, disintegration, defeat, death, disposal ... ah, yes: I hope we all will be dispensin' with it soon (i.e., directly)!
Would it be a "stupid prayer" for me to pray that Kim would go ahead and reveal the polished theologian / orator to us?
Geogre Bush?
So if it's a double neg- then does it really mean that we shoud pray stupid prayers? I think maybe mine already are.
Eugene McKinnon
"Jesus will return and take all those who have accepted Him as Savior to heaven for eternity. Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Hebrews 9:28."
Of course none of these passages say anything about Jesus returning in order to take believers to heaven, period! Jesus comes from heaven, to be sure (Acts 1:11; I Thes. 4:16; etc.); but nowhere does the Bible say that He subsequently returns to heaven ... or that He stays there for eternity ... or that (conversely) after returning there He then comes yet a third time to earth! Not in these verses; not in Jn. 14:1-3 either.
Instead, God's people are looking for new heavens and a new earth (II Pet. 3:13), and will occupy the new earth (Rev. 21/22), upon which Jesus will arrive WHEN He COMES, DESCENDS, etc.
Don't hold no stupid eschatology!