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This Is Interesting . . .


I was reading through the venerable Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology and found this very fascinating section.  Read it carefully!

Moreover, in connection with the subject of "hell" the Bible certainly uses local terms right along.  It calls the place of torment gehenna, a name derived from the Hebrew ge (land or valley) and hinnon or beney hinnom, that is Hinnom or sons of Hinnom.  This name was originally applied to a valley southwest of Jerusalem.  It was the place where wicked idolaters sacrificed their children to Moloch by causing them to pass through the fire.  Hence it was considered impure and was called in later days the valley of tophet (spittle), as an utterly despised region.  Fires were constantly buring there to consume the offal of Jerusalem.  As a result it became a symbol of the place of eternal torment."

Beney Hinnom?  Benny Hinn?  So what's the connection?  Coincidence?  Any thoughts?


Reader Comments (10)

That makes for some fine theology. I'll totally buy it!

I do like the historical bit about the valley always being on fire. Very interesting.

Thanks for that post.
March 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy J McNeely
Well, well, what can I say. Mr. Berkhof always is full of surprises as are you, Mr. Riddlebarger.

I could almost buy it in view of Mr. Hinn's actions and theology.

Good post!
March 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterRuss Atmore
That's hilarious!
March 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy Mr. Berkhof a prophet? :-) The Bible is full of "plays on words" such as calling a king by name which is "close" to his, but in Hebrew is an insult, etc. Could be! :-)
March 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMike Ratliff
Pretty spooky! I think it is a prophetic message that Benny Hin should hold a revival in gehenna and that the fire there will never go out.

Read THAT carefully! :)
March 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTim Etherington
In fairness to Benny Hinn, his TV program is only 30 minutes of torment. Thankfully it is not eternal.
March 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTerry J
That is great. I was just watching Hinn interviewing John Hagee about how the rapture is merely months away. You can't help but love the dispensational heros of the faith?
March 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJStewart
Hell of a coincedence... err I mean, a coincedence of hell.
March 30, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermarc
Dr. Riddlebarger -

Are you giving us a sneak-preview into "The Man of Sin" and your arguments therein?

Here is something else interesting:

Take the number of letters in "Benny Hinn" 5 and 4.

5 to the 4th power = 625
5 times 4 = 20
4 times 5 = 20
5 minus 4 = 1

Add all these numbers together and what do you get?

That's right. 666

March 31, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMark Vander Pol
Great stuff.

Mark, You've got to get a new hobby!
March 31, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJ Meeks

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