Who Said That?

Who Said That?
"Indeed, God would save all men if He could . . . . God will achieve the greatest number in heaven that He possibly can. He does not love just some men; He loves all and will do everything within His loving power to save all He can . . . . God will save the greatest number of people that is actually achievable without violating their free choice."
You know the drill! Leave your answer in the comments section. Google searches do not count! Answer to follow in a few days.

Many of you got this one right since a number of Reformed writers make mention of these words!
This comes from Norman Geisler, in an essay he wrote in 1982, entitled, "God, Evil, and Dispensation," in the book, A Tribute to John Walvoord (Moody Press, 1982), 102-103.
Reader Comments (56)
My guess is Chuck Swindoll.
Definite Answer: Someone who doesn't understand the Bible.
Second Choice: One of those Wesley guys.
Third Choice: The fancy dressed guy in the last post.