Who Said That?

"There are in the Bible several clear examples of believers (about whose relationship with God there can be no question) who were, nevertheless, not completely or continually committed to the Lord. . . . Now if Christ must be Lord of the life in order for one to be saved, then we are forced to conclude that either Peter or Baranbas [who had lapses from a fully dedicated life] were never saved or that they lost their salvation when they rejected the Lordship of Christ."
OK, who said this? No cheating (google searches or otherwise). Leave your answer in the comments section!
Update on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 03:05PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This quote comes from Charles Ryrie, as some of you guessed.
It can be found on pages 170-171 of Balancing the Christian Life (Moody Press, 1969).
Reader Comments (22)
It doesn't quite sound like Hodges.