Who Said That?

Who Said That?
“I believe there is a universal God. I believe the God that the Muslim prays to is the same God that I pray to. After all, we all came from Abraham. I believe in that universality.”
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Update on Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 06:36PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

He might be our commander in chief, but thank God he's not our theologian in chief! Christians worship the Triune God who has revealed himself in Christ, not the "universal God" invoked by politicians for political purposes.
Reader Comments (32)
It is one thing to politically manipulate by declaring Jesus the winner of favorite philospher contests; that's political brilliance. It's another to say this while on the throne in 2007. I can hear the party base howls from here...
Either way, the person that said this is mistaken. I sometimes like to make this distinction. Yeah, they are worshipping the same God as I am... only they do so in vain because they deny Christ.
I don't get my theology from politicians just as I don't get my political views from theologians.
<off to Google search it>