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One More Reminder, Mike Horton to Appear on CBS's "60 Minutes"


Mike Horton is scheduled to appear on CBS's 60 Minutes this coming Sunday, October 14.  60 Minutes is doing an investigation of Joel Osteen and wanted Michael's take.  For more info, Click here: News and Events.

Mike taped for nearly four hours.  He was pleased with how it went.  Now, we'll see of how much of this actually gets on the air.

Reader Comments (66)

Is this a re-run? I recall Horton on Osteen on some news magazine show a few years ago. Maybe it was Dateline. Shame he only had a couple of short soundbites.
October 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRick B.
I too recall Mike being given a sentence or two regarding Joel.
And then NBC Dateline exposed Benny Hinn and gave Mike a few more sentences.

It will not be a re-run beause 60 mintues is a CBS production. Hopefully they will give him some time to articulate that Joel Osteen denies the sinful condition, the necessity of a sacrificial atonement, he preaches sermons where Jesus is simply your therapist, your cheerleader, your coach, your financial advisor, your wedding planner, your car salesman, but Jesus is clearly not your Savior.

After all, Joel doesn't want to disappoint his hearers. He can't stand the thought of offending them...
They all have to love Joel you know.
He is more concerned with pleasing his hearers; tickling their ears.

So when you listen to Joel: you don't hear you are hopelessly dead in your sins; your heart is corrupt, you are a self-centered sinner.
No sir, what Joel tells his audience is:
God loves you just like you are;
God made you special
God can't bless you until you believe he can
God made you to be successful

And lastly, listening to Joel you learn that Joel is the hero of his stories. Joel wants you to be like him. Joel wants you to have faith like Joel does.

Hey Joel, we don't need a Savior to be like you.
October 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterIvan
Dr. Horton did do a bit on Mr. Osteen back in 2005 for the Today show. The video of that interview can be seen at the link below.

As for the Benny Hinn Dateline episode Mike was also interviewed for that. However, the parts that they showed of Mike didn't have anything to do with the gospel (although that was discussed in the interview from what I heard).

With this 60 minutes interview we can hope that they actually air some meaty clips concerning the True Gospel!
October 1, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMark Vander Pol
It's great when two of your favorite "things" (sorry, Dr. Horton) come together.

October 2, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzrim
I wish Dateline would do a special for Reformation Day,"what was it really all about?" They could have all you cats from the White Horse Inn and maybe Piper and Sproul. Now that would be an answered prayer!
October 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJamesL
What's the context of the investigation? Is Joel smiling too much or is he cookin' the books?
October 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCharles S
Dr. Horton is one of my favorite things too.
October 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRick B.
I think I'm going to tell my parents to watch this. They need to know just what exactly is wrong with guy (Osteen) and why his "teaching" (not preaching) is NOT Christian.
October 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTyler
Wow. A very rare occasion when watching 60 Minutes is worthwhile!
October 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPB
Pssst, Rick,

Don't tell PB you work for NPR...opps.

Imagine, being an avid reader of the Riddleblog and watcher of 60 Minutes. It's true what they say about Reformed can have your cake and eat it too. I love cake.

October 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzrim
You might recall that not to long ago after Horton pointed out some of Osteen's glaring errors John Armstrong rushed to Osteen defense and critized Horton as a mean-spirited 'TR'.
October 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGLW Johnson
Cover blown but I don't care. But maybe I should keep it a secret that I'm the technical producer for an inter-faith show. The subject-matter usually turns my stomach but I've had some pretty good debates with the guests. It keeps me sharp.

Anyway, I love 60 minutes - TV journalism that would make Edward R. Murrow proud.
October 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRick B.

MMMM, cake with my 60 Minutes on Sunday night...and Horton's on to boot? I have to leave now so I can program my VCR.

October 3, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzrim
Don't get smart, y'all, I'll only watch it if the Talladega race gets over in time.<grin>
October 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPB
Speaking of sports and 60 minutes. I can't stand it when NFL football delays the start of 60 minutes here in the Eastern time zone...which may happen again on October 14 BTW.

October 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRick B.

Don't you have good, red, mid-west blood in your veins? Don't you know that football is better than...anything? Even stock car racing (sorry, PB).

Kidding. I agree. It irks me as well. The only time a sports delay of 60 Minutes doesn't bug my is the first week of September during the US Open. Of course, PM services make me have to tape the late Sunday afternoon finals.

October 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterzrim
My bad. Talladega is this week. Next week the race is on Saturday night at Charlotte. Dr. Horton has a clear shot on Sunday.
October 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPB
I think I see at least 2 folks from GRusalem- is this on the same night Godfrey is at Trinity?
October 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRana

If Godfrey is preaching at Trinity on Sunday the 14th, then yes. But I haven't heard if he's preaching for us or not. But he will be there giving a lecture on Friday night, October 12 at 8:00pm.

October 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRick B.
Will there be a link posted for the program on the 60 minutes site? I looked on the 60 minutes site but did not see it listed yet. Thanks.
October 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterScott

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