One More Reminder, Mike Horton to Appear on CBS's "60 Minutes"

Mike Horton is scheduled to appear on CBS's 60 Minutes this coming Sunday, October 14. 60 Minutes is doing an investigation of Joel Osteen and wanted Michael's take. For more info, Click here: News and Events.
Mike taped for nearly four hours. He was pleased with how it went. Now, we'll see of how much of this actually gets on the air.
Update on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 02:02PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

CBS has just posted a two minute preview of the program dealing with Osteen. Mike is not in the interview, but you can see Joel cry because God is using him in special ways. Gag . . . Click here: Joel Osteen Answers His Critics, Tells Byron Pitts "We're Not Perfect" - CBS News
Reader Comments (66)
This is a good thing...right? I mean, it's one thing to have a pluralistic society, quite another to have a pluralistic church.
Today at work I've been sharing Joel's message of hope with everyone... I've told them to always stay 100% positive so that when God showers them with a blessing moment that they can maximize it.
Almost everyone in the office has become a Christian except for this stupid punk kid in accounting who had the audacity to ask why he had to stay positive if God was going to bless him anyway, and I said NO, it doesn't work that way, God's not going to bless you unless you stay positive, if you keep that lousy attitude, God's going to send you pain, lots and lots of pain.
His bad attitude reminded me of that guy from the Westiminster inquisition, running around like some templar knight charging heresy. I mean seriously... isn't heresy some kind of fake charge they used to burn people as witches in the 1300s.
Joel gives me the life-touching and togetherness I really crave when I excercise my deep spirituality. Sometimes when I walk in a Christian bookstore I feel like he touches me five dozen times at once, one touch for every smile on the face of every book and promotional poster. Now that I think about it he touches my life more times than any other human. And just think of the millions of people he life-touches everytime they pass an airport kiosk.
I know its a difficult to really calculate how many lives God touches, but Joel touches us so much that maybe he should at least be called God Junior. I hesitate to be to hasty with this since we have to be careful not overlook Rick Warren, who recently authored the new holy scriptures "PDL".
I think Ferguson may need to read more Horton (!).
Like Dt. 29:29 seems to suggest, I think you still have to distinguish between the secret and revealed will.