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Lee Irons has an insightful discussion of John M. G. Barkclay's response to N. T. Wright's understanding of Paul and Empire (two parts). Click here: The Upper Register Blog
Ron Paul is probably not happy about this endorsement! Click here: - 'BunnyRanch' Brothel Owner Endorses Underdog GOP Candidate Ron Paul - Politics | Republican Party |
Has the gospel gone "green" at your church. Stay tuned, this might explain the funny light bulbs and the recycling center in the narthex! Click here: More churches preaching 'environmental gospel' (
You might say the Kentucky creation museum is "evolving." Click here: Kentucky's Creation Museum expanding -
Remember Ron Popeil? If you don't, here are eleven of his essential inventions including the Veg-O-Matic and the Pocket Fisherman. Click here: Howstuffworks "11 Items Sold by Ron Popeil"
I'll bet you didn't know there were two "White Horse Medias." The other one thinks the USA is the beast of Revelation 13. Click here: Pentagon and Senate Report from Steve Wohlberg
Reader Comments (5)
You obviously haven't followed Ron Paul too much! He has said he doesn't try to control who gives him money and he shouldn't. The brothel owner, no matter how much we as Christians would disagree with his line of work, is doing a legal activity in his state and there is no reason Dr. Paul should be upset about this donation. Sometimes living in a free society we are going to disagree with what others do. That is why it is our role as Christian individuals to confront people of their sin, and not try to force the government to do it for us. Or at the very least if you don't like the laws then change them in a lawful manner. Both options are open to us.
These are the principles Dr. Paul is running on and I support this message!
The Pope/Papacy? doesn't look like it.
Sabbath obsession -- Adventist?
Pfaaah! I don't have time to pick through the code phrases and figure out where this guy's coming from.
So what? What does this mean anymore, except to appeal to an ostensibly religious constituency (read: form of cultural Christianity) that presumes a political-moralism over a largely irrelavant issue anymore? Such planks anymore serve to rally the troops about their in-house devotions, since a candidate's opinions about "abortion," one way or another, mean next to nothing in terms of policy. How about the real fulcrum when it comes to "abortion": rather than "may she or may'nt she," I would like to see a candidate talk about "who gets to decide."
And how about "observant" over "devout"? That would appeal to my confessionalism, but I guess he's targeting Evangelicals in the revivalist tradition who place experience over revelation(?). Oh wait, I forgot, *good* Reformed confessionalism doesn't want to be politically marketed and eschews wearing faith on one's sleeve and all that; he's running for office, so I don't care about his faith.