Your Blitz is on the Fritz!

As I sit in my upstairs study working on URCNA committee work, I can hear my son downstairs watching the Three Stooges--the episode where Moe dresses up like Hilter and Curly like Mussolini.
My son is just plain cracking up. Life is good.
My favorite Stooge episode is the one with the laughing gas. "Disorder in the Court" is also a classic. "Drop the vernacular . . . That's not a vernacular. . . . It's a derby." If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.
While there may be others that I don't know about, can you guess what noted Reformed theologian is a huge Stooges fan?
Reader Comments (15)
(wistfully) How I miss Saturday matinees at the Surf theatre in Huntington Beach. For $1 Three Stooges and Steve Reeves' gladiator/sword & sandal movies ran all afternoon.
Much of this catechism informs my world-view today.
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
Woo woo woo.
Jerome "Curly" Howard
Of course we could also ask which stooge is which among the Whitehorse Inn gang. As in Kim = Curly, Mike = Moe, and Rod = Larry???
(They should really do a skit!!!)
His name is R. Scott Clark.
I have "Disorder in the Court" on a DVD--it's more Shemp than Curly on the DVD--but that line you quote is pure Curly.
FOr the reocred--I like both of them.
I think I have Curlyitis- "I'm trying to think, but nothing happens"
I'll go with RC Sproul as well, he just seems like the type who would appreciate the Stooges.
Judge: Do you swear...
Curly: No, but I know all the woids.
Court clerk: I'll SUE you for this.
Moe: Oh, sue-perstitious eh?
Dent to the Stooges boss: "Will this cabinet be in competent hands?"
Curly: "Certoinly!.... we're all incompetent!"
R Scott Clark