Who Said That?

Who said that?
"You know what happens? [in Revelation] Chapter 20, the Lord sets up His Kingdom. That's right. Look at verse 4, `I saw thrones,' what are they for? Look at the end of verse 4, they're for the saints who lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. You know what happens at the end of the thousand years? Verse 7, Satan is loosed a little while, he's been bound the whole time. He's loosed a little while. He goes out into the world and you know that during the Kingdom there will be some people who went in in physical bodies, they'll have kids, they'll repopulate the earth, they'll be a population all over the earth, some of those won't even believe in Jesus Christ though He's been reigning in the city of Jerusalem for a thousand years."
You know the drill! Leave your guesses in the comments section below! No google searches please.

OK, I couldn't resist the temptation to post a MacArthur quote. The quote indicates how an otherwise careful biblical interpreter ends up with people having babies and revolting against Christ -- after the second coming and the end of the age (cf. Luke 20:34-36)! Dispensationalism made him do it! The quote is from Dr. MacArthur's "Jet Tour Through Revelation" (audio 1290)
Reader Comments (49)
Also there is no question this is not taken from a book or article, as the style is more in the manner we speak than in what we write [more rigidly / carefully when we submit in writing].
Therefore it could be any big name Pre-Mil teacher during a sermon of Revelation 20.
The guesses of Missler and Rogers I think are quite legitimate. But seeing Johnny Mac has made an impact on the blog of late, it would appear he would be a prime candidate.
Van Impe? Kim, if you were going to post one of his quotes, you could find some alot more "out there" than this. That guy is plain nuts often.
My guess at first glance is MacArthur, but if Kim doesn't want to pile on personally it could be another Pre-mil big name.
So I guess.......
I'll guess Hagee.
Hello Brian,
yes, I have seen those charts behind him while he preaches.
You are right, even if your guess might be wrong,it is a well justified guess.
I've seen those charts, too; but only once.
I'll go with your guess for John Hagee.
Yeah, I've seen those charts, too; but only once.
(Whew!) I'll go with your guess for John Hagee.
Wow, do we as amils have our work cut out for us. While we try to exegete Scripture and do legitimate theology, these name it/claim it, "what you say is what you get" guys just stand in front of their bathroom mirrors (does Kenneth Copeland come to mind) and keep repeating, "There will be a future millennium, there will be a future millennium, there will be a future millennium ... ... ..."
Wayne: Would you please email me directly? I have a question . . .
Kim Riddlebarger
Too funny. Whoever really said it would not be happy with that guess.
That said; Marshall Applewhite?