My New ESV Study Bible Arrived -- Looks Like Everything We Hoped For!

The mailman just delivered my new ESV Study Bible, and so I spent much of my lunch break looking through it. Oh, I'll have a few minor bones to pick with some of the study notes (i.e., Schreiner on Romans 2:6-11, although the note on Romans 7:14-25 is very good), but any study Bible which reproduces the Vos "two-age" model chart as the main feature of New Testament eschatology (p. 1804) can't be all bad! There's even a chart including the "covenant futurist" view of Daniel 9:27 (p. 1608).
My initial sense is that the ESV Study Bible certainly meets, if not exceeds, some very high expectations. The folks at Crossway are to be commended.
The binding looks pretty solid, but then so did the binding of my green ESV hardback (Classic Reference Edition) which didn't hold up at all. Nothing a little duct-tape couldn't fix, however.
In any case, I'm thrilled. The on-line version is truly amazing! So, go get one!
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