Who Said That?

"Heavenly Father, Open my heart to the silent presence of the Spirit of your Son.
Lead me into that mysterious silence where your love is received by all who call.
MARANATHA -- Come, Lord Jesus.
Begin repeating to yourself this one word (often called a mantra): `MA-RA-NA-THA', keeping the accent equally on each syllable. Do this throughout the time of prayer, which is usually 30 minutes, twice a day. Whenever you find thoughts or images coming to your mind, return to the mantra. If you are distracted from this repetition, gently return to it as soon as you are aware you have been distracted."
Leave your guess in the comments section below! Please no google searches or cheating! The whole point is to make a guess!

This quote is from John Main (1926-1982), a benedictine Monk, recently re-discovered by the emerging types. Main learned how to meditate from a "swami," and this is one of his favorite meditations.
You can find more of the same drivel here: Click here: John Main Prayer Association
Reader Comments (27)
Bill Hybels, in a contemplative moment.
This certainly is not the way that Luther and Calvin taught those who they were influencing to pray. I just read Luther's answer to Peter the barber when Peter asked him for advice in his prayer life. Luther constantly makes remarks about not letting your mind wander and how this is an affront to God's majesty and glory. Prayer was definitely a mental exercise which needed our complete mental concentration. None of this mantra like baloney.
What is tragic about the emergent movement is this kind of stuff intermingled with some stuff which is not so bad. It also predominates in a lot of the charismatic movement and the Word/Faith movement. It could be any number of people involved in these movements in the Church.
Seriously, I reckon it's a Word-faither. For the sake of naming a name, I'll say Hinn, but given everyone else is going generically Emergent I'm gonna have a wild stab at another brand of idiocy.
This was taught a lot at his church and it still is!