The church my wife and I used to attend did Purpose Driven, and as we saw the problems and contemplated leaving, she found the "Porpoise Driven Life" book cover from this video on the internet and had it as the desktop on her computer at work. Oh yeah, she was that church's receptionist. She got some strange looks.
The SBC church I used to attend did the PDL study. The pastor (who soon after left for the mission field...not sure if there's any correlation between events) said that in lieu of studying the Book of Warren with their parents, they would watch videos of the show Flipper ... and would be studying the Porpoise Driven Life . Probably equally moralistic, not necessarily Biblical content.
I don't know why they advertise for the website... but I know that the guys from Way of the Master Radio put this together. The voice is the co-host, Tony, who is a Lutheran... I remember hearing the ad a long time ago on their radio program, this is the first time I've seen the video though - good stuff.
Reader Comments (15)
But its theology seems a little "fishy" to me...!