Hyde's Commentary on the Belgic Confession Now Available

Reformed Fellowship has announced the publication of Rev. Danny Hyde's commentary on the Belgic Confession. Rev. Hyde is the pastor of the Oceanside URC.
Here are the recommendations:
The Belgic Confession contains doctrine that is worth dying for, as its author and many adherents learned all too well. Opponents of the Belgic Confession have put its adherents to death because, through this powerful document, the church speaks its prophetic biblical message to the world in which it exists. Yet because this confession of faith has been neglected for far too long in the Reformed churches, author Daniel Hyde offers a necessary, fresh exposition and application of its doctrine in the twenty-first century, with the hope of setting the Reformed churches on fire for their historic Christian, Protestant, and Reformed faith in the midst of a cold and lifeless world.
--R. S. Clark. Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology, Wesminster Seminary California
It has been a long time since a Belgic Confession commentary of this caliber was last published in English. Biblical, historical, and erudite, Reverend Hyde helps the Confession speak freshly to our day. With Heart and Mouth will be warmly welcomed by pastors called to teach and preach the Belgic Confession.
--Wes Bredenhof, Pastor, Langley Canadian Reformed Church, Langley, British Columbia
You can order it here: Click here: Amazon.com: With Heart and Mouth: An Exposition of the Belgic Confession: Books: Daniel R. Hyde
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