Some Interesting Links . . .
Here's a great response to the New Atheism from Ken Samples. Click here: Today’s New Reason To Believe » Blog Archive » The “New Atheism” Phenomenon, Part 1 (of 3)
White Horse Inn producer Shane Rosenthal was a recent guest on Issues, Etc. with Todd Wilken. The topic, "The Emerging Church movement." Click here: KFUO Home
He's back . . . Jim Bakker has new digs in Branson, MO. People say Bakker's new facility looks like Disneyland. That's a surprise. Click here: STLtoday - News - Missouri State News
The local Baptist pastor (Wiley Drake, from my home town of Buena Park, CA) is calling down fire on Americans United and the ACLU. Vote for Huckabee or else! Click here: Pastor again asks prayers for demise of group's leaders - Los Angeles Times
Can't wait for Hillary (or Obama) care. If Uncle Sam pays for the treatment of your goiter, you might be making a deal with the devil. Already, private insurers want your doctor to rat you out about pre-existing health conditions. Just wait to our friendly, "we have your best interests at heart" government gets involved in health care! You ain't seen nothin' yet. Click here: Insurer asks docs to report on new patients with pre-existing conditions - On Deadline -
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