Sign the "Issues, Etc.," Petition

Apparently, there is great angst in the LCMS headquarters due to the out-pouring of complaints in response to the cancellation of "Issues, Etc."
So, please keep those emails and phone calls rolling in (see below)! Nothing worse to a bureaucrat than an email box full of complaints--the sure sign of a PR disaster!
There is also an on-line petition you can sign--be sure to identify your church (especially if you are not LCMS). The goal is 5000 + names. If you haven't signed yet, be sure to sign it soon. I'm told this is having a real impact!
Click here: Issues Etc. Petition
For the latest information on Rev. Wilken, Jeff Schwarz (the program's producer) and attempts to keep "Issues, Etc.," on the air, Click here: Bring Back Issues Etc.
Reader Comments (7)
Dear DB Cummings:
Thank you for your e-mail. We are sorry for your disappointment over the change in KFUO-AM programming. However, we hope you will enjoy our future programs.
Sincerely in Christ,
David L. Strand
Executive Director
Board for Communication Services
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
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Dear Mr. Gielczyk:
Thank you for your e-mail. We are sorry for your disappointment over the change in KFUO-AM programming. However, we hope you will enjoy our future programs.
Sincerely in Christ,
David L. Strand
Executive Director
Board for Communication Services
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
This electronic mail transmission, and any attachments thereto, may contain confidential information intended only for the named recipient(s). Any distribution or disclosure to another person is prohibited
Hmmm, am I the only one that see's a pattern here?
Dear Mr. Ragsdale,
Thank you for sharing this concern with me. I first heard about this action Wednesday morning when I found four e-mails that I received Tuesday night addressing it. Throughout Wednesday and Thursday, I received numerous additional e-mails sharing concern over the cancellation of Issues, Etc. and the termination of Pastor Todd Wilken and Mr. Jeffrey Schwarz. Even more arrived last night and today. I spoke with Todd Wilken Wednesday afternoon, and he gave me his permission to bring this up for discussion at the next meeting of the LCMS Praesidium on 27 March, where I will address it directly to President Kieschnick and the other synodical vice presidents.
May God bless and keep you during this Holy Week.
In Christ,
Chaplain John Wohlrabe
John C. Wohlrabe, Jr.
Regional Chaplain
Naval District Washington