Live in the Denver Area? Looking for a Good Reformed Church?
Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 05:50PM
Got a chance to worship this Lord's Day at the Coram Deo URC in Denver. The pastor is my old friend, Rev. Carl Heuss. If you live in the greater Denver area, Coram Deo meets at the Denver Christian School in Centennial. There are a number of folk here who are White Horse Inn listeners, and two of the current elders were members @ Christ Reformed in Anaheim. If you are new to the Reformed faith and looking for a good church where you can ask questions and find a sympathetic ear, this is the place for you. If you want more information, you can email Rev. Heuss @
I'm a bit surprised, however, that the Denver Christian School would allow Rev. Heuss to enter a nut restricted area!
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