The End of the World and Other Interesting Links

Since the Netherlands has a reputation for its progressive secularism, it is a surprise that so many in that nation are expecting the apocalypse to occur in 2012. Could it be that the Dutch are reading Tim LaHaye? Of course not. The secular Dutch are freaked out by a prediction regarding the end of the world found in the Mayan calendar. And secularists think Christians are foolish? Click here: Many Dutch prepare for 2012 apocalypse -
Is it just me, or do both of these guys need to be smacked upside the head? Obama twists Scripture--giving us the critical, moralistic reading of the Old Testament and the Sermon on the Mount. Granted. But James Dobson is a flaming Arminian who hates Calvinism. I'm not sure Dobson can make better sense of the Bible than Obama. Once again, politicians should give up biblical interpretation, and experts in child development should stop trying to be theologians. Ugh . . . And to think we've got five more months of this. Click here: My Way News - Dobson accuses Obama of 'distorting' Bible
The recent Pew poll, which shows that Americans are a religious but largely pagan people, also found that California is a tad more pluralistic than most other states. And someone had to pay a pollster to discover that? That would be the LA Times, of course. On my way to church I pass a large Sikh temple, an even larger Mosque, several happy-clappy evangelical churches, a CRC and an RCA (both of which are ashamed of their Reformed heritage and are doing very poor imitations of Calvary Chapel), two mainline Protestant churches with empty parking lots, as well as the "Full-Gospel Tabernacle." And I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Once again, no surprises here. Click here: Survey shows Californians less religious than rest of nation - Los Angeles Times
Finally, the nanny state cancels a local sportday because someone might get hurt. I thought scrapes and scars were part of growing up. Remember the scene in Jaws when everyone compares their scars? The two things the nanny state hates the most are boys growing up to become men (including the bumps and cuts that goes with that), and the sound of laughter and revelry (the sure indication that people really do better when they are free from needless government intrusion). Click here: Sports day cancelled because uneven playing field is a health and safety risk - Telegraph
Reader Comments (24)
In the Dutch news article, there were two comments below that made sense: "If the world's gonna end, WHAT are you preparing for?" and "What is the point of stocking up on supplies if the world is going to end in 2012?
I would think from a secular point of view, it would make much more sense to do just the opposite: eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!
Arminian in his theology - yes. But when has James Dobson expressed or otherwise exhibited hatred of Calvinism, or reformed theology for that matter?
I ask this not because I'm a Dobson apologist or fan. I ask because I'm curious (and it's a pretty strong charge).
Since Dobson's a Nazarene, which is a subset of Methodism (which is Arminian), I believe that probably is enough of a statement, which, Tom, seems to answer your question as well. Reformed theology includes an ecclesiology as well as a soteriology. As a Methodist, Dobson believes the church is relevant to the world on the world's terms, not God's.
So, PB, I suppose I would say while he's an annoyance to my Reformed soteriology and ecclesiology, he's less a "scold" than he is a good (Arminian) Methodist. He may be wrong up one side and down another, but he comes by it honestly enough since that is his tradition. Who says Presbyterians can't be generous?
This board needs smileys, btw!
Let the record show that you said it, not me. But at the end of the day, yes, I agree, Arminian Methodists are as you say. That's why I love to watch them fight.
I think what may bother you is the use of strong language. I agree that it may be overstatement for effect ("...flaming Arminian who hates Calvinism"), but the fact remains that these two systems of theology are at loggerheads and simply cannot tolerate each other. A cursory read of the Remonstrant controversy and history of the CoD will show that. To confess a theology that is Arminian is to hate Calvinism and vice versa.
Re your comment on uniting and battling, you say that as if uniting is always good and battle is always bad. It also seems to suggest a somewhat naive read on Dobson who pronounced anathema on the likes of Darryl Hart ("A Secular Faith"). Dobson seems to want to get along as long as we are all on board with him. But many of us aren't Arminian Methodists. In that sense, I'm glad for his anathema on Hart, it helps make the point that we Reformed Presbyterians are at least right about why he's wrong.
I can think of one Calvinistic orginization (not to mention any names) that might be too involved with politics and its vision for America ;-)
I'll spare you the anecdotal stories from former FOTF employees I have met who were canned because of their allegiance to Reformed doctrine.
Instead, let me point out that James Dobson is a member of the Church of the Nazarene. Here is their doctrinal statement:
This statement is about as anti-Calvinistic as it gets. It will provide you with all the facts and documentation that you need. I hope you noticed that I did not refer to FOTF as anti-Calvinist. I tie that charge directly to Dr. Dobson and his life-long membership in a church that has long and vocally affirmed its opposition to Calvinism.
One thing you have to understand is that when someone like Dr. Dobson is a member of a particular church body, we have every right to take that to mean that he likewise affirms the doctrine of that church. In this case, Dobson's father (and I think his grandfather) were Nazarene ministers (or "evangelists"). Its not like he's a Nazarene because of convenience, or expediency, or ignorance.
While most people who bother to join a church these days are ignorant of that church's doctrine (if that church even has a doctrinal statement), someone like Dr. Dobson, who has a lifetime and generational tie to a church body, must be judged to affirm that church body's doctrine. And in this case, that church body's doctrine is militantly anti-Calvinist.
Well, my hunch is that if you're looking for something like, "I hate Calvinism," you won't find it. But even if we did, so what? Most Americans do, which is why Dobson is an American darling-at-large.
Whatever organization you're thinking of remember that Calvinism has plenty of Methodists-who-won't-admit-it within its four walls. If you don't believe me, take a trip to Ft. Lauderdale.