Things You Won't See in a Reformed Church -- Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

Here's something you won't see in a Reformed church--snake handling. In the first place, most Reformed pastors I know are pretty skittish about critters (especially snakes and spiders). Most of us believe that the "longer" ending of Mark (vv. 9-20) is probably not in the original text of that gospel. Besides, we would be too busy debating the science of textual-criticism to actually handle a snake. Click here: - Pastor Among the Arrested in Illegal Snake Trade Crackdown - Local News | News Articles | National N
Here's another thing you won't see in a Reformed church--a "beefcake" calendar. Most Reformed guys I know are too geeky or too old to be seen in public without a shirt. Some of us wouldn't want to reveal our Calvin tattoos in public. Click here: - Man Who Created Calendar of Shirtless Mormon Missionaries Facing Excommunication - Local News | News
One more thing you won't see in a Reformed church is a "gun" giveaway. Lets be clear here--it is not the church's responsibility to provide the youth with the appropriate fire-arms and training. That is clearly a father's responsibility! Click here: | Colorado's Online News Leader | Church cancels gun giveaway for teens
Finally, while many folk are in a dither about the FDIC's takeover of IndyMac and rising oil prices, Reformed Christians are in a dither about the sale of Anheuser-Busch to InBev and the fact that the Boston Beer Company (brewers of Sam Adams) is now the largest American-owned brewery. Could it be that the European take-over of American breweries is tied to the rise of a revived Roman empire and will enable the future antichrist to control the masses? How come no one is investigating this???? Where are the prophecy pundits on this one??? Click here: Brookston Beer Bulletin » Blog Archive » Samuel Adams, Biggest American Brewer
Reader Comments (20)
The more time that Coot and the cult can spend playing with our rattlesnakes, the less time they will spend in misinterpreting the Spriptures, and making a laughingstock of Christians.
Sadly, I have to think of Ted Turner during the "heavens gate" fiasco, when he said, "well, it's a good way to get rid of a few more nuts."
I knew there had to be a reason I always reach for Sam Adams.
Yes, the best reason to reach for the Sam Adams is because it IS decent beer, unlike the brewed Mississippi flood water from St. Louis.
"...Lets be clear here--it is not the church's responsibility to provide the youth with the appropriate fire-arms and training..."
How true. "First Prophet" Nehemiah Scudder and his dictatorship are right around the corner the way it is. 'Course, instead of being a backwoods fundamentalist, as Heinlein saw it, Nehemiah may be facing East to pray three times a day.
"...Most Reformed guys I know are too geeky or too old to be seen in public without a shirt...."
As the venerable Red Green (Steve Smith) put it on one of his weekly comedy shows, " man over 40 should be seen in public without a shirt..." (and that goes for you, too, Harold)
Gun raffles are always popular. And I may somday, in God's providence, win something.
You should keep the list going.
The end of Mark is genuine, I believe, and testified in the Acts story about Paul getting bit. Now he was not intentionally handling snakes (uh, tempting the Lord).
As to Yuengling, Ben & Jerry's did a "Black and Tan" that was really good.
"....Bred as a Calvinist of the strictest sect, his riper judgment confirmed him in his creed. On church government he adhered to the Congregationalist forms, as most friendly to civil and religious liberty; was a member of the church; and the austere purity of his life witnessed the sincerity of his profession. Evening and morning his house was a house of prayer; and no one more revered the Christian sabbath. He was a tender husband, an affectionate parent, and could vividly enjoy conversation with friends; but the walls of his modhest mansion never witnessed anything inconsistent with the discipline of the man whos desire for his birthplace was that ‘Boston might become a Christian Sparta.'"
I'm just glad to know there's another "Red Green" fan at the Riddleblog!
(Personally, I think Red is Reformed, and Harold is Arminian and dispensational.)
Yes, indeed, and we have a craft brewery just down the road from us that produces one of the finest around (IMHO) this time of the year. They call it "Dog Days" Dortmunder-style lager.