An Intriguing Headline and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web
Tell me this headline doesn't grab your attention! Click here: The Pope meets the serpent ... and the koala and the parrot| News | This is London OK, the article itself is more like Dr. Doolittle than the Westminster Confession of Faith (XXV.6), but I'll bet it got your attention! It did mine.
So, who are you going to believe when it comes to global warming? Al Gore (Click here: My Way News - Gore sets 'moon shot' goal on climate change) or 50,000 physicists who think he's full of methane? Click here: DailyTech - Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate
Speaking of global warning and the nanny state, here's more idiocy from our beloved state government. California cars will now have a "green sticker" which supposedly indicates their impact upon global warming. The climate nannies forget to mention the environmental impact on the climate from all the electricity required to charge all those hybrids. They also forget to tell us about the serious environmental impact of disposing of all these highly toxic nickel-cadium batteries which will wear out and have to be replaced after five years. Click here: New Cars in California Must Display Global Warming Score |
In the "why dogs are superior to cats department," here's yet another story of a cat trying to do away with its owners. I'm telling you . . . cats have a sinful nature. Click here: Official: Cat likely caused fire at Minatare home
Reader Comments (8)
Yes I know I am mean.
"Emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities are changing the atmosphere in ways that affect the Earth's climate."