Who Said That?

"The biblical picture of a saving experience is masterful in its clarity and simplicity. A single, one-time appropriation of God's gift results in a miraculous inward transformation that can never be reversed.
Since this is true, we miss the point to insist that true saving faith must necessarily continue. Of course, our faith in Christ should continue. But the claim that it absolutely must, or necessarily does, has no support in the Bible . . . . It is sufficient to observe that the Bible predicates salvation on an act of faith, not on the continuity of faith."
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please no google searches or cheating.

This is a quote from Zane Hodge's book, Absolutely Free, (p. 63) which was a reply to John MacArthur's "Lordship salvation" position. In one short quote Hodges succeeds in turning faith into a human work (a one-time appropriation), he denies the perseverance of the saints (faith need only occur, not continue), and he makes the act of faith (not Christ) the ground of our salvation.
Would that every theologian be able to accomplish so much in so few words!
Reader Comments (13)
On the other hand, I wouldn't say that all DTS faculty promote such a fallacious view of faith. Buist M. Fanning, for example, contributed a wonderful article --fully supporting the classic Reformed view of faith which perseveres-- in his chapter in "Four Views of the Warning Passages in Hebrews" (Kregel).
I'll go with Dwight Moody, just to be contentious :)
I seem to blame all bad theology on the emergent church lately. Is that a problem?
I recall thinking the DTS alliance was really hanging together regardless how clearly wrong they were. Yes, Faith alone justifies, but the Faith that justifies is not alone. According to James it is accompanied by works [saving Faith without works is dead]. Hearers of the word only are deceived not being doers of the Word. Jesus will say to those not bearing fruit to begin a life of obeying Christ, "Depart from me, I never knew you".
Just a few verses prior to this statement in Mt. 7 Jesus himself said you will know a tree by its fruit.
Swindoll has said things like this many times, but perhaps he is not the exact author of this quote, Kim?