Baptisms, the Fourth of July, and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

Rick Warren will be hosting both Barack Obama and John McCain at a meeting at Saddleback. I wonder if they are also going to the "hula" worship service? Click
here: Presumed Presidential Nominees McCain and Obama to Make First Joint
Campaign Appearance on August 16 at Saddleback
Here's a great new tax deduction. You simply declare that your house is a church, and then you stop paying your property taxes. Somehow I get the feeling that this is not going to work in Orange County. Click here: Lake Bluff man declares his home a church, gets tax break --
It shouldn't come as a surprise that baptisms, boating, and the Fourth of July don't quite go together. Nothing ruins a good Fourth of July water skiing party like an outdoor baptism at the local boat dock. Click here: 7/19/2008 - Baptisms, Boaters Clashing In Soddy-Daisy - Breaking News -
No, this is not a Reformed program for life extension, but here's a guy who hit 100, who smoked 10 cigars a day, as well as enjoying a wee bit of whiskey in his morning tea. Its in the genes, I guess. Click
here: Smoker who has 10 cigars a day celebrates his 100th birthday -
Reader Comments (8)
(I'm assuming the meeting will be purpose driven...)
Hovever, when I wear my hat as a citizen in the kingdom of man, it is a different story. I see the government telling me that the price of gas keeps going up, because the price for oil keeps going up. They don't tell me that the U.S. dollar has declined 40% against the Euro over a six year period. (Oil would only be about 88 dollars a barrel with a strong U.S. dollar.) They try to keep it quiet that the average citizen in the kingdom of man will have to pay about a half a million bucks just to bail out social security. There is a lot more, both good and bad.
Unfortunately, I'll just have to hold my nose and vote for one of them (McCain). Perhaps, the best advice, came from one of my customers, when she said that she is going to write in Mickey Mouse for president! There is already a Mickey Mouse at "Saddleback", and he has never even heard of the "two kingdoms."
"When will American (ana)bqaptists learn that sprinkling or pouring are equally valid modes of applying the Sacrament? "
When the Biblical evidence shows it. Until then, it is under the water you go.