The Church of Me -- Redux

I have posted this before (several years ago, in fact, right after I started the Riddleblog), but Rod Rosenbladt recently sent it to the White Horse Inn crew. So, I'll post it again. If you haven't seen this, it is very funny.
Reader Comments (12)
I love myself; I think I'm grand,
I go on a date and hold my hand,
I put my arm around my waist,
And when I'm fresh I slap my face.
Do you folks ever notice that when someone shows us a group picture -- which is the first person that we aways look for? Why, of course, it is none other than our selves!
Oh, how we love our flesh!!!!!
Thank God for the second use of the law!
I just attended our work shop on our new Christian Worship Supplement. In it, we have over 100 new hymns, and some new liturgies. (We now have over 700 hymns, some of the newer hymns are hundreds of years old. And, some of our new liturgies go back to the second and fourth centuries!) We get a new hymnal about every 25 years or so.
Anyway, they instructed us of the fact that the songs we are singing about, is to thank God for what He has done for us, not what WE (ME) are doing for Him! (We are, after all, snow covered dung!)
George ... with that jingle you truly are "dating" yourself.
I can deny nothing. I just turned the corner on being able to take distributions from my retirement investments (what's left of them) sans tax penalties.
Lloyd -
Your last submission triggered one of those now-I've-got-it synapses in my subconscious. I always wondered why I had an inherent distaste for some of those contemporary "praise" songs (apart from the fact that I can't sing 'em and their modern country music chord progression). Now it all fits together.
i begin wearing white socks with sandals, put me out of my misery!
I could be wrong, but I don't think they were slamming any of those songs, per se. I think they were slamming the narcissistic therapeutic deistic church culture that is prevalent today.