Bible Controversies . . .

Many who speak out in opposition to homosexuality have quipped that the Genesis account mentions Adam and Eve, not Adam and "Steve." Well, times they are a changin'. According to the new "translation" from the "Gay" Old Testament, Genesis 1 mentions Eve and "Aida" inhabiting Eden. Swell . . . Click here: Gay Bible angers Christians | World news |
And then there's the "Green Bible." You guessed it--its made from "Recycled paper, using soy-based ink with a cotton/linen cover." It also has "green-letter" verses highlighted so as to encourage the work of "healing and sustaining" the earth. Not only is it a shame that legitimate discussion about environmental stewardship gets lost in the PC trendiness, but a Bible made like this one will probably last about a week. Don't take it outside on a foggy or humid day! It will disintigrate or grow mold (like a Chia Pet) before your very eyes. Click here: The Green Bible
Oh, the difficulties pastors and churches face these days . . . Well, at least the secular humanists over at the city council approved the church's new heli-port. The injustice of it all! Click here: Church wins OK to create helistop | | Tacoma, WA
And I thought mosquitos of the Eastern Sierras were a problem. I'll take the skeeters over the gators any time . . . Click here: Campers restrain wild alligator | National Breaking News |
Reader Comments (8)
Talk about idiots on parade! I just hope they like the heat.