Fix the BCS!

As if we needed more proof that we live in a fallen world, how on earth can the BCS title game not include USC?
Pete Carroll's Trojans spanked a very good Penn State team from beginning to end. Despite all the talk about the weakness of West Coast football, the Pac-Ten team won each one of their bowl games. Oklahoma against Florida? Give me a break! It should be USC against the Gators, plain and simple!
Looks like more and more folks are getting onboard with the "BCS plus one" proposal. All the major bowl games would be played again on New Years' Eve or Day--rather than scattering them all over the place. These five bowl games (all the traditional ones) would feature the six major conference winners, plus four wildcard teams. Then, the next week there would be a single game playoff between the two teams that had the highest computer rankings from the bowl games the week before. Now that makes sense . . .
But since this makes so much sense, it will probably never come to pass. I'm certain that in order to be one of NCAA officials who decides such things, you must first have been a member of Congress.
Reader Comments (12)
Though my blood flows crimson and gold, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a skeptic with 'SC at times. Though they clearly dominated the game, that Penn State offense gave a top-notch defensive team a run for their money - especially at the end. Nevertheless, looks like not only 'SC, but the Pac-10 in general is a stronger conference than most people (be they Big-10 or SEC) are willing to admit. Yes it's the "left" coast, but they sure now how to play a mean game of ball out here!
More on track with the post - I like it, KR. It's a nice way of salvaging both systems until they can switch to a straight play-off model . . . though I can't help but think that the playing done at the bowl games will make for a tough set of numbers to crunch. Oh well . . . what else is new with a computer-generated ranking model!
I am definitely for a playoff system. That almost certainly won't happen. The "plus one" idea is a good compromise. It might happen, not because it makes more sense...but because it would make more money. I'd still take it.
As for BW comments, when something is just not fair then yes try to change it. Isn’t that what Luther did with the Catholic Church? System is not fair then try to improve it or make it a more fair system. USC would of won anyone of those bowl games.
Not a fan, but Utah has the biggest gripe, they have yet to lose...
Texas also has much to gripe out, with them being shut out of the Big 12 championship game (despite beating Oklahoma).
Playoffs are good enough for every other division of college football...and every other sport for that matter.