The Reformation Society of Portland's Fall Conference

I had a great time at the Reformation Society of Portland's 2009 Fall Theology conference (held earlier today).
I finally got to meet two people I've spoken with on the phone and emailed off and on for years, but had never met face to face.
Here I am with David Thommen (he's got the goatee), who is the pastor-teacher of the Estacada Christian Church which hosted the conference. Pastor Thommen's a great guy and a most gracious host. If you live anywhere near Estacada and are looking for a church go check it out.
The gentlemen to my left is John Hendryx, the proprietor of John's been posting my MP3's for several years and much of the traffic to the Riddleblog comes from If you've never been to Monergism's website, nor shopped in their on-line bookstore you are missing out on one of the greatest resources on the web!
It was nice to meet both of them! I'll let you know when the audio from the conference is posted.
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