Trust Me Men, Don't Do This!
Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 02:08PM
I've already shown I'm not much of a romantic in my prior post about Valentine's Day.
But even I know better than this. Its probably not the best idea to take your wife (or girlfriend) to the nearest Waffle House for Valentine's Day to "get scattered, smothered and covered in romance" (their quote, not mine). My guess is she'd rather go out to dinner, receive flowers, or even chocolate. Even a cheap Hallmark card is probably better than a trip to the Waffle House!
Yes, even I know that . . .
Reader Comments (9)
v. scat·tered, scat·ter·ing, scat·ters
v. tr.
1. To cause to separate and go in different directions.
2. To distribute loosely by or as if by sprinkling; strew: scattering confetti from the upper windows.
3. Physics To deflect (radiation or particles).
v. intr.
1. To separate and go in different directions; disperse.
2. To occur or fall at widely spaced intervals.
Sounds romantic to me. I would certainly get scattered if I took my wife there. I would get scattered for even thinking about it.