Join "Rick's Church" and Duplicate Pentecost

Here's the latest from Orange County's own Rick Warren. Click here: Pastor Rick's News & Views
Warren never ceases to amaze me. There's always some gimmick and the personal hubris is off the chart. If I am reading this announcement correctly (see below), to get all the perks that are mentioned, all you need to do is be available this past Saturday (March 28), be willing to "open your heart to Jesus," and be thirty years of age (Warren will explain).
Two thousand years ago - the Day of Pentecost was the first day of the Christian Church. Acts 2:41 tells us, "About 3,000 people were baptized and joined the church that day." If you'll join us this weekend, history could be repeated at Saddleback! Want to make history?
Which of these requirements do you need to complete this Saturday?
1. Open your heart to Jesus Christ. Click here to learn more.
2. Attend Class 101: Discovering Your Church Family. Sign up.
3. Sign our membership covenant (explained in class).
4. Be baptized the way Jesus commanded and modeled for us.
(Many of us were baptized as kids on our parent's faith. Jesus modeled believer's baptism at age 30 when he was baptized in the Jordan River) It would be my privilege to baptize you after Class 101.
1. I'm personally teaching Class 101 for the first time in ten years.
2. I'm personally baptizing after Class and you'll receive a photo & baptism certificate.
3. You'll get a free one year subscription to Purpose Driven Connection magazine. (Never offered before)
4. You'll get free copy of The Purpose Driven Church book.
5. Your name will be included in the historical list of Saddleback Pioneer Members who joined in our first 30 years. (This Easter is our 30th Easter and I want you included in this list.)
6. The class is 1 hour shorter than normal. You can watch session 3 here online now.
7. You'll be a part of making Christian history! The largest membership class ever!
8. We love you & want you in our family. There is no good reason to procrastinate.
I was asked, "Rick, If you could wish for anything to celebrate your 30 years of service at Saddleback, what would you dream of?" I said, "To experience a repeat of Pentecost - and see 3,000 people affirm their faith and join our church family on a single day." Will you be a part of making this a reality?
I simply can't imagine a church where the members don't know their own pastor (and where its a big deal to actually meet him). I also cannot envision a "church" which goes to this length (with all the give-aways and gimmicks), solely for the sake of matching the number of conversions at Pentecost. And then there is this re-baptism business (ugh).
But then I have been out of the evangelical subculture for a long time . . . I really don't miss it.
Reader Comments (28)
Everyone hold your nose, now, on my count 1, 2, ...
This is my 1st venture to your blog via here:
I agree, that Rick Warrens gimmicks appear way over the top here and come off as more of an appeal to, huddle mass numbers through "perks" and "freebies". This certainly is not like Pentecost, but rather more like, a publicity stunt using material items as the impetus to, "JOIN THIS SATURDAY & NOT PROCRASTINATE", in place of (or in aide of) the spontaneous moving of the Spirit of God.
I must say however, while troubled by RW's plea, the disturbance, continued while reading many of your readers responses. I realize that you have no control over their "words or tone". However, it appears as if this article lifted a dried scab off of many with festering wounds, judging by the unbridled tendencies of gossipy and off-colored criticisms which dripped with oily sarcasm.
For eaxmple:
toward Tim Keller, who obviously offended, James, because he "vanished out the back door".
to Stan with, "Warren is a knucklehead."
and many more...
The pomposity, resonating from Warrens advertisement as well as several of the consecutive readers' comments, have both left a filthy aftertaste.
I do get your point and am not making excuses for self-promotion. I'm assuming, possibly naively, that the real gospel will be shared with the ones who show up for the class. "Open your heart to Jesus", granted, is not the entire gospel message, but its certainly one of the starting points.
While I agree with many of the points made, it just seems that we are so quick to judge others and their motives in Christian circles. We "gang up" on each other and many times the ones who are the loudest critics are doing nothing to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Your point is well-taken. But I think it is also important for each of us to check our own motives and ask ourselves what are we really doing for the cause of Christ. Sometimes its easier to see what others are doing wrong. If they have a big production, with lots of hype and such, and 10 people truly receive Christ as Lord & Saviour, what is that worth?
I'm not arguing against the points you make, just offering another viewpoint.
-Saw it in his debate/forum with the election (oh wait I remember Jesus having one with Pilate and the Sanhedrin so the Jews could decide who should govern them I forgot).
-Saw it in his "prayer" to the people of the United States and to the Islamic community. Prayer should always be used to placate the people right? Forget the fact God doesn't hear it then, but what the hell right? It's where the country's going anyway.
-So here we have just another leap of stupidity on Rick's part further into the " broad path". Funny, thought we were supposed to follow the narrow one.
It's about Jesus being the fulfillment of the Law. And what that means is expressed by Paul to the Galatians (and us). Gal 5:14- For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Huh! Seems to me you've actually got to know someone to love them. Wonder how many of Rick's neighbors he actually knows and furthermore has actually ministered to in love. That means actually doing something tangible for them, expecting nothing in return. And as you get to know them, following the Spirit's leading in sharing the Gospel in a meaningful and relevant way to them.
Hmmm! Sounds like Paul at Mars Hill in Athens to me. Or Jesus with the woman at the well and the adulterous woman about to be stoned. That might just be too radical. You mean I actually have to get to know people? What if I don't like them? What if they don't see things politically the way I do?
Oh damn! I forgot. Jesus did away with the law, but then raised the standard. Now I have to love my enemy too?!!! That is just way too radical!!!!
I'd like to think that Rick has done something with absolutely no benefit to himself or his causes/ministries and just for the sake of glorifying Christ. But his books have done nothing but promote a modern version of the institutionalized church.
Sorry to tell ya Rick, but The Church is a living entity. It is in fact, the Body of Christ, living and breathing flesh indwelled by His Spirit. You might get some of the doctrine intellectually. But it is not evidenced as reality in your life or ministry. All we see is YOU!!! What happened to Jesus.
Watch out my Brother. Christ is coming again and He's about to roll right over you.
1) we are all brothers in Christ
2) we shall be known by our love to the brethren
3)Paul had harsh words for the "unrepentant pharisees" of his day-not fellow Christians who were not 100% on everything
4) Jesus rebuked his disciples when they desired that fire rain from heaven and destroy the other group of Jesus' disciples who didnt do exactly what they did. Jesus said if they are not against us they are for us.
5) RW does preach the gospel. He preaches a lot of other goofy stuff too that subvert it as well. But we are all jackasses of one stripe or another and God can and does use us in our weaknesses. I was saved at a non-denominational church similar to Warrens. It was the kernel of the gospel that Jesus loved me, died on the cross to forgive my sins and if I trusted in Him and asked Him to come into my life He would. And HE DID. I have since learned the more correct and detailed way to present the gospel and learned it was God who drew me and called me and gave me the faith. But despite our greivances with these types of churches if 1 Cor 15:1-4 is being proclaimed God is saving his elect in these churches.
So let us rejoice the kingdom is advancing (and not at just the birth rate of our reformed churches) But let us also pray these shananigans of seeker sensitivity are overcome with maturity and humilty. But Iam sure mocking and ridiculing other brethren is also displeasing to God and can be a bad witness to a watching world.
But this is never an excuse to allow the Gospel to be perverted by the wolves that come from within.
Use your own analogy.
Jesus rebuked religious leaders - those claiming the SAME faith. He unmasked their self-righteous, evil practice of placing the Law before the Gospel.
The New Testament is bold in naming false teachers and condemns their wrongdoing. Paul even confronted Peter and expressed a high degree of anger towards the failure of the Galations with "cutting" sarcasm.
Isn't it right to judge RIGHTLY and to judge the brethren?
Jesus and the Apostles say we must.
Our rebuke of Warren (or anyone like him) has been lightweight compared to the Scriptural examples.
Were Rick to add reinstatement of circumcision to his growing list of "laws" we should be honor-bound to enthusiastically say: "go the whole way, Mr. Warren, and emasculate yourself!
Very well stated. I agree wholeheartedly regarding NT (and OT for that matter) rebukes and warnings of false prophets who draw away disciples to themselves.