Obama's Cairo Speech and the Resurgence of Popular Dispensationalism

It will be very interesting to see what the prophecy pundits do with Obama's recent comments about Israel and Islam in his Cairo speech. Click here: Obama does not recognize Israel land claims, security needs
Hal Lindsey, for one, is watching Obama's every word very closely . . . Click here: The Hal Lindsey Report. No doubt, others will be doing the same.
Just when I start to think the end-times punditry is about finished, something happens on the world stage which reinvigorates the pundits all over again. This will surely do the trick.
Reader Comments (22)
No, the Palestinians situation was brought on by the creation of Israel in 1948 and 750,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes by Israeli soldiers and forced to march single file out of their Palestinian towns and villages, out of their homes in the scorching heat of July. My father was 9 years old and saw his neighbor shot by an Israeli soldier for his bad of valuables. The same Jews who were tortured by the Nazis were now soldiers and committing similar acts of violence on Palestinians. You know how the abused becomes the abuser, well this is exactly what has taken place.
Those 750,000 Palestinian Refugees were NEVER allowed to return to their homes, villages or orchards despite what International Law says about the Legal Right of All Refugees to return to their homes. Palestinians are the ONLY Refugee population in the WORLD who are denied this right.
This Forced Transfer of Ethnic group is also called Ethnic Cleansing which is a form of Genocide, look it up,
ethnic cleansing
the elimination of an unwanted ethnic group or groups from a society, as by genocide or forced emigration.
Mike Huckabee supported the forced migration of Palestinians to Saudi Arabia.
People are really clueless to the history and suffering of Palestinians.
I recently read this. "the Jews forgave the Nazis too quickly, in part so as to get reparations, and the result was that they projected their unhealed rage on to the Arabs, and made them Nazis." Avraham Burg -- in Holocaust is Over, Let Us Rise From Its Ashes
So please, don't believe that Palestinian suffering has been brought on by Hamas which started in 1987.