Obama's Cairo Speech and the Resurgence of Popular Dispensationalism

It will be very interesting to see what the prophecy pundits do with Obama's recent comments about Israel and Islam in his Cairo speech. Click here: Obama does not recognize Israel land claims, security needs
Hal Lindsey, for one, is watching Obama's every word very closely . . . Click here: The Hal Lindsey Report. No doubt, others will be doing the same.
Just when I start to think the end-times punditry is about finished, something happens on the world stage which reinvigorates the pundits all over again. This will surely do the trick.
Reader Comments (22)
Walid Shoebat is former muslim palestinian terrorist who now supports israel..thanks for recommending Hal Lindsey Report...i have been watching it since 2007 its must see tv.
Why do you mock those who say these are end times and God is coming back? Are you not fulfilling prophecy by doing so ? Jesus chastised those who could not tell what the times were.
With Advent of Nukes, even Gen McCarthur said next world war is last. We ahve gay marriage spreading all over country. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Napolean said valley of meggido is worlds largest battlefield. Revelation said 200 million man army is coming from the east. It can happen now. We are blessed when we read revelation as it declares. There still remains a week for Gods dealing with Israel, the messiah had been cutoff at 69th week and now is church age of gentiles...etc.. God evacuated believers before when he laid out his judgement (Lot,. Noah) on earth and will do so again. These are compelling reasons to believe. He said he will protect us, the righteous from wrath. Many have escaped wrath already when they lived and died...etc..So the church is not mandated to go through tribulation. God chose Israel deut 7 because they are smallest nation to humble other words he has a plan for Israel. Napolean again said the Jew is proof of God. God has preserved them for his name's sake. They will finally accept him as the nations surround Israel. You can count on it!
I dont think he said that i read his book he says its possible and that he could be wrong etc...he didnt speak in name of the lord or for God either...he is not a false prophet...this is classic red herring...slight of hand stuff...You cannot save Israel as she is surrounded...there is a new J coming down...and i plan to be there thanks be to God. Why does man want to limit and create God as to how he thinks he is...thats the main problem eye has seen no ear heard..etc.
heh... I kill me.
Yes Hal Lindsey is a false prophet.
He not only predicted when the Lord was going to return 1988, look at his book the 1980's: Countdown to Armageddon. Or during Desert Storm he predicted several things he saw coming from the war, none of which came to pass.
If you want some good reading try the following two books:
Keith A. Mathison, Rightly Dividing the people of God? P&R 1995
Kim Riddlebarger, A Case For Amillennialism Baker 2003
You are demonstrably wrong. Lindsey wrote in his _The Late Great Planet Earth:
"When the Jewish people, after nearly 2,000 years of exile, under relentless persecution, became a nation again on 14 May 1948 the "fig tree" put forth its first leaves.
Jesus said that this would indicate that He was "at the door," ready to return. Then He said, "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (Matthew 24:34 NASB).
What generation? Obviously, in context, the generation that would see the sign--chief among them the rebirth of Israel. A generation in the Bible is something like forty years. If this is a correct deduction then within forty years or so of 1948, all these things could take place. Many scholars who have studied Bible prophecy all their lives believe that this is so. pp. 53-54"
Your Brother, DSY
In my opinion we're not hurling insults at Premillennialism per se, but the Dispensational form of Premillennialism which reinterprets huge chunks of the OT to speak of national Israel rather than Christ. The promises to Abraham were much greater than a tiny chunk of land in the Middle East. They speak of Christ, a heavenly Jerusalem, a new heaven and a new earth. Abraham looked forward to Christ. The Land promises are fulfilled ultimately as God lavished his love on us through His Son giving us all things abundantly. Narrow plots of land in the middle east are only a foreshadowing of the reality we will know in Christ.
Spurgeon was Premillennial, but thought that Dispensationalism was false. It is possible to hold the former without the later.
In Christ,
ps. Do you believe that God will reinstitute animal sacrifices in the Millennium as Dwight Pentecost and others taught? Would this not be blasphemous in light of Christ's sacrifice?
I once was at Keswick Convention,here in Australia when ,the Baptist preacher J SIDLOW BAXTER made a funny comment about the position of that most gracious fellow countryman of mine and perhaps one of Australia's greatest theologian- Leon Morris. It had to do with Revelations chapter 20 and after talking about the Beast to come ,Baxter said,'but do not tell Leon Morris that" to which the audience laughed-except my mother ,who like Morris was an Anglican.This was in 1966 ,when amillenialism was seen to be associated with modernism-well here in Australia anyway
One I recommend is House Divided: The Break-Up of Dispensational Theology which can be found online at
Hal Lindsey many not be a false prophet, but he certainly is a false teacher, not to mention a serial polygamist. How anyone can take him seriously is beyond me.
I am a Palestinian Christian and I have shared my testimony and my family's story at some churches, I am glad to do so and I don't charge $3,000, tickle your dispensationalist, fear-mongering ears and flee from any questions. In fact, I don't charge anything at all.
Anyhow, just my 2 cents, but if I wanted to be an opportunist I could be a very wealthy woman on the John Hagee speaker circuit.
and not that many people care, but having lived one third of my life in the Middle East I will tell you this, dispensationalism is a hindrance to the gospel in the Arab and Muslim world. Dispensationalism's culture is full of language that speaks pejoratively toward Middle Easterners, rather than in love, kindness, patience. Muslims do believe Jesus was a prophet, few Christians know that and even fewer Christians see that as a point of departure to speak the truth of the gospel to Muslims.
As Christians we are letting the political fanaticism and sensationalism of our time lead us in our beliefs.
One thing I do agree with you on is that Chuck Smith is a false prophet, if it is ever found out that men like him are on the Israel lobby's payroll I would not be surprised, Smith is more aggressive militarily than even hawks in Israel. I hope people see the danger of highly influential "evangelicals" using their position in the church to beat the drums of war/ politics in this situation.
God have mercy on the millions of Christians in the Middle East.