Audio Difficulties and a Few Other Things

Apparently, the server which hosts the Christ Reformed audio is down. When we figure out what is wrong and get it fixed, I'll post Sunday's sermon and Ken Samples' Academy audio.
Also, since I returned to my church duties, it is raining email questions. Some have even asked me why I haven't answered their question yet, or when I do respond, they immediately send me a whole batch of follow-up questions (ugh).
I really don't mind your questions . . . but please understand that I am very busy (I am a pastor) and will get to you when I can.
Here's my priority in answering your questions
1). If you are asking a question about something in one of my books, you go to the top of the list. After all, you spent money on me!
2). If you attend Christ Reformed and have a question, you too go to the top of the list. Glad to be of help!
3). If you heard something on the White Horse Inn which troubled you, you are next.
4). If you have a question about Reformed theology in general, or are struggling with an issue germane to the Reformed tradition, now its your turn.
5). If you want me to help you debate someone, if you have general Bible questions, you go to the bottom of the pile. Don't you have a pastor who can answer these questions?????
6). I do not answer pastoral questions/issues from people I don't know via email.
I always appreciate good links, "Who Said That?" quotes or other information. I don't use all of it, or I may have beat you to it, but I really do appreciate the materials. Keep it up!
Feedback, good or bad, is always appreciated.
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God Bless