Continuing Audio Woes . . .

Here we go again . . . The third week of audio troubles.
A brief explanation (for those of you who have asked). The company which hosts our audio was purchased by another company. The old company was supposed to transfer all our audio files to the new company. We can't tell if they did or if they didn't. The old company has two explanations. The first is that the files were transferred and the new company should have posted them. The second is that the old files were "lost." If the latter is true, that is not good news.
The new company likewise has two explanations. They say they have the files, but need authorization from the old company. The hold-up is the needed authorization. The other explanation is they never got the files. Obviously, we hope the first explanation is the case.
So, let me just say that we are no longer being nice. I'll leave it at that . . .
We are also preparing to start over (if need be), set up a new audio domain and upload the files from our own various backups. This solution will break all current the links and we'll have to redo them. But we'll turn our scars into stars and make lemonade out of lemons (or whatever tripe you want to add).
In any case, we've got good techies working on it and we have some very good ideas about how to get things up and going (and hopefully) have greater capacity and room for video.
Stay tuned . . . Thanks for your patience with us!
Reader Comments (5)
Ok... I couldn't resist responding to this... how 'bout a large highball of the kind of whiskey that Colonel Potter (Mash) says, "there aren't enough o's in smooth to describe this stuff." (or something like that)
Anywho, sounds like all of you could use settin' a spell on the porch tonight with some Potter's smooooooooooooooooth whiskey. :)
I'll pass on the Potter's . . .
An ice-cold Beck's will do.