Ken Samples on "Issues, Etc."

Ken Samples was on "Issues, Etc.," today discussing Sola Scriptura.
Here's the link: Click Here
Ken Samples was on "Issues, Etc.," today discussing Sola Scriptura.
Here's the link: Click Here
Reader Comments (2)
As a committed R. C. Ken's talk on SS. was typical. Ken: "Yes, SS is taught in the Bible, I have no idea where, but it is implicit somewhere, just don't ask me."
Hopefully as a Catholic to Protestant we can respectfully disagree about the unique authority of Scripture, but I can't let you get by with your straw man description of my interview on Issues Etc. I clearly provided a Scriptural basis for Sola Scriptura (though abbreviated in a short interview). Here's just a couple of the points that I made in the interview:
2 Timothy 3:15-17 implicitly supports the doctrine (making a person wise unto salvation and making one complete in belief and in practice).
Further support comes in Jesus' use Scripture as the final court of appeals in all matters under dispute (Matthew 5:18; Luke 16:17; John 10:35; 17:17).
I also responded to numerous Catholic criticisms to Sola Scriptura set forth by Peter Kreeft.
More details are found in the article that I wrote for Modern Reformation.
You may not be convinced by my reasoning from Scripture, but misrepresenting your opponents position is never a viable course to take.