The House that Ruth Built Is No More

Arguably the greatest sports venue since the days of the Colosseum in Rome, the demolition of the old Yankee Stadium is almost complete.
One of these days, I'll it make to the new stadium. People tell me it is absolutely remarkable, and that the only downside is that the fans can't cheer loud enough to make the place shake. People who were in the old Yankee Stadium in 2003 when Aaron Boone hit his walk-off against the Bosox said the place was literally shaking.
The only time that ever happened in Anaheim Stadium was during a Chicago/Beach Boys concert in 1973. I know. I was there.
The Rally Monkey just doesn't rock the house.

Reader Comments (12)
Chicago/Beach Boys concerts probably attracted more evangelical types than reformational types. However, they did numb the pain of the confusion of life for awhile. Eric Clapton must have been appealing to your reformational side. I was a lost soul in 1973 and was into Dylan, Jackson Brown, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, The Who and the Beatles.
I have never seen the great Paul McCartney in concert. (He actually did his Ram album from his ranch in Tuscon AZ.) He is now 67 years old. Phoenix is always on his tour, and he'll be here later this month.
But, the tickets are too expensive.
Regarding Anaheim Stadium, I saw ELO and Journey there. ELO actually landed into Angels Stadium in a space ship. The cars on the 57 Fwy, stopped and watched the show.
Jeff Lynne got out of the space ship and just started cranking great tunes. Two of my other favorites are Eric Clapton, and Neil Young. I saw Neil Young in Irivne Meadows, and he played for three hours and still only played about one fourth of his hits. Irvine Meadows is near Lion Country Safari, and they had to give the animals tranquilizers to calm them down as Neil was playing so loud with a band called the Shocking Pinks.
Another great concert that I got to see was in Santa Barbara, The Allman Brothers, they are as great live as they are in the studio.
Other favorites of mine are Emerson Lake and Palmer, Deep Purple, Humble Pie, The who, The old Stones (the old gus otta hang 'em up), Rush, Lynard Skynard, among many others!
Sorry about any typos in the spelling of the bands, as I didn't have time to check.
Anyone who is a friend of Neil Young is a friend of mine. He has lived a rather sordid life but his lyrics are always thoughtful and often profound. He has mellowed out in his old age and is much easier to get along with now according to those in the know about him.
Your musical tastes are similar to mine- love the Allman Brothers too; Stormy Monday and Tied to the Whipping Post are classics.
I failed to mention John Foggerty of Creedance Clearwater Revival. It is an interesting name for a band (miixing Creed with Revival- I have often wondered how they came up with the name- I could probably google it and find out) and I put on twist on his song I Ain't No Fortunate Son (or is it One?). I think anyone who was not born in a Reformational Home is unfortunate but I do not think that is what he was talking about. So, when I am taking a shower in the morning I can belt out I Ain't no Fortunate One and it helps me be a bit less critical of myself and rest in the saving work of Christ on this unfortunate one.
I know Pastor Kim knows his Rock 'N Roll too!
On the theological side: If Pr. Harrison doesn't get voted in as the new SP in LCMS, the conservatives could split off. Then, who knows, we may have WELS/ELS and the new conservatives back in fellowship again. That would be great for all Lutherans.
I wonder if the Reformed are battling the CG stench as well. On the Lutheran side of it; John the Steadfast and Issues, Etc. are fighting the CG heresy.
You have to respect what Pastor Kim did with his Christ Reformed Church when the CRC got into CG, he took his congregation to the URC.
Why stick around and fight the bureaucrats?
I took a blog fast for a couple months in order to deal with some pressing issues in my life. It was worth it and I got to read and think about some things that kept haunting me at work as well as in my spiritual life. Blogging can be an addiction and take up a lot of time. Now that I am middle aged and my kids are away from home I have a lot of time to deal with some issues I could not in the past. You get to reflect about things more which I enjoy doing anyways.
I agree with your remarks about Pastor Harrison and have been following it some on Issues etc and with my Pastor at Church. I also agree that fighting the bureaucrats is usually a waste of time- it is almost like fighting the evangelicals, dispensationalists, and all forms of revivalists. Something that really struck me these past two months however is how Paul often instructed Timothy and those who he was in close fellowship with to handle disputes and arguments with a spirit of gentleness and with great patience. That is very difficult to do in the heat of theological battles. It has caused me to make a new effort at making diligent use of the means of grace that God has provided and believe the promises God provides us with in the Gospel. How God subjectively works His promises to us and in us is still rather mysterious to me. I can understand how people fall into the Deeds over Creeds mentality and often reformational types react in very unloving ways. I am having to deal with this issue in my own family at work and with my kids. Doctrinal strongholds in people's minds do not get dislodged very easily and only when we act in love will people listen. That certainly is something we cannot do with our own inner resources.
It was hard to quit blogging for awhile because I enjoy the dialog- it is tempting to use it as one of the primary means of grace but we need a community and those visible and tangible means that God disciplines us with.
I know, on some of the sites that I bog on, such as John the Steadfast, it is very time consuming.
I love defending confessional, historical, liturgical Lutheran theology. With some of us, Christ is our life, but theology is our obsession, and our hobby! We are just crazy about it, and we can drive our families and friends nuts in the process.
I also love Jazz and Classical.
I'm trying to acquire more of a taste for Country. It is hard. They always say that beer is an acquired taste, but for me it came naturally! I wish that country music would too.
Not only Jazz and Classical but the Blues as well. I have found the best Jazz Bars are found in lower levels of smoke filled old buildings in cities such as Cincinnati, Chicago, and of course New Orleans. They get to hoppen and a poppen.
The taste for beer (and philosophical meandering I might add) came naturally to me too- I am mostly German.
Chicago, I'll bet you love living in such a great city! They do call Phoenix Chicago west, because of all of the folks that have moved here, mostly for the warmer weather.