I'm Flattered That My Vote Matters So Much

I feel special. In the last few days, I've gotten "personal" calls from . . .
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Dick Cheney
Former California governor Pete Wilson
Meg Witman from Ebay (running for governor)
Congressman Tom McClintock
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayer's association
Three former state assemblymen
Two local mayors
Three former police chiefs
As well as some "concerned" woman's group
I am so very flattered that these important people would take time out of their busy schedules to call me because they care about me so much and want me to know that my vote counts.
If they saw my completed ballot and realized that any political candidate who interrupts my day with a robo-call is far less likely to get my vote, I wonder if they'd call back during the next election cycle . . .

Former governor Wilson felt so bad that he missed me, he called back. How nice of him.
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