I'm looking forward to reading this book. It was good to hear his personal journey into Reformed theology and the Reformed doctrine of baptism in particular. I can relate to his remark that reading a credobaptist book helped reinforce the superior case for paedobaptism. My family has been visiting an, as they call it, "OP" church for over a year now, but for several years previous to that, I would occasionally revisit the Baptist case for the baptism-of-believers-only-by-immersion-only and increasingly find myself falling prey to the "unintended consequences" of the credobaptist argument as did Dr. Fesko.
Before, as I was learning just how tied to Reformed theology the Baptist tradition historically was--how their historic confession is a third generation condensing of, first, the Presbyterian Westminster Confession, next the Congregationalist Savoy Declaration to its final form in the London Baptist Confession (with its modified section on baptism), the logic that cried out to me was, if Baptists originally thought the Reformed were so right about everything else (with the exception of government and baptism), then what makes them think they're so wrong about baptism? I always found the Baptist treatment a little threadbare and unsatisfying, especially when comparing it to the rich biblical- and historical-theological case for Reformed covenantal household baptism (which includes, among others, the infant children of believers).
Reformed Baptists inherited the clarity of the Particular Baptists who understood covenant theology and the inconsistencies of the Magisterial Reformers such as Calvin, Luther, Zwingli.
Reformed (Dutch, Christian, RCA, Presb., etc)... are all up for espousing the regulatory principle...but oops....throw it out on the issue of paedobaptism. Why? Sola scriptura? No. Tradition. But every denomination has its inconsistency/weakness. I thank God for all the Reformed churches, and the good that has been manifested in their assemblies, but that is no excuse for them to hang on to this unbiblical practice.
Heck, even the dispensationalists see this inconsistency!
Reader Comments (3)
I bought this book. I hope to benifit from it.
Before, as I was learning just how tied to Reformed theology the Baptist tradition historically was--how their historic confession is a third generation condensing of, first, the Presbyterian Westminster Confession, next the Congregationalist Savoy Declaration to its final form in the London Baptist Confession (with its modified section on baptism), the logic that cried out to me was, if Baptists originally thought the Reformed were so right about everything else (with the exception of government and baptism), then what makes them think they're so wrong about baptism? I always found the Baptist treatment a little threadbare and unsatisfying, especially when comparing it to the rich biblical- and historical-theological case for Reformed covenantal household baptism (which includes, among others, the infant children of believers).
Reformed (Dutch, Christian, RCA, Presb., etc)... are all up for espousing the regulatory principle...but oops....throw it out on the issue of paedobaptism. Why? Sola scriptura? No. Tradition.
But every denomination has its inconsistency/weakness. I thank God for all the Reformed churches, and the good that has been manifested in their assemblies, but that is no excuse for them to hang on to this unbiblical practice.
Heck, even the dispensationalists see this inconsistency!
#Semper Reformanda