This Week at Christ Reformed Church

Wednesday Night Bible Study:
We are continuing our series on the person and work of Christ (5/25/11). We are covering Christ's session and how his current rule relates to his three-fold office (prophet, priest, king). Evening prayer begins at 7:00 p.m., with Bible study beginning at 7:30.
New Academy Series Underway:
This coming Friday, May 27, we continue our series on Michael Horton's new theology text, The Christian Faith (Zondervan, 2011). We will be working our way through the introduction and first chapter. Lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Sermon Series on Hebrews (Sunday, May 29):
We are continuing our series on The Book of Hebrews. Lord willing, we will work our way through chapter 3. Please read through Hebrews several times as we consider the great themes in this remarkable book.
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