Summer Update

Some of you have asked about the slowdown on the blog.
I'm fine, but I have been very busy of late with church duties. I'm just now beginning my summer vacation/sabbatical, and (Lord willing), I will return to my regular schedule later this summer. Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy the break, and tackle some writing projects (my two kingdoms book, and my commentary on 1 Corinthians).
I finally replaced my 2003 Dell Pentium 4 desktop. Moving into a new computer is not an easy thing given the fact that I was three operating systems removed from Windows 7 (I was still running XP -- I refused to do Vista, but I like Windows 7). It took two full days to get everything set up, and thankfully most everything transferred over OK -- though I did lose my scanner (I think my wife gave it to me back in 2001). Scanners are cheap.
So, if you have questions for me, don't bother till August. I'll post occasionally, and am very much looking forward to a break. Have a great summer!
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