This Week at Christ Reformed Church (September 3-9)

Sunday Morning (9/9): I am continuing to work through the prologue to John's Gospel (John 1:1-18), and this Lord's Day will be focusing upon Jesus as the Light. I would encourage you to be reading through this gospel as we tackle sections of it week by week.
Sunday Afternoon: I am leading our afternoon catechism service and we will be taking up Lord's Day 39, and the fifth commandment. Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: Resumes September 26.
The Academy: The Academy is on hiatus until October. But when we resume, we'll begin with a four week discussion of two important books. The first book is Ross Douthat's Bad Religion (Click Here). The second is James Davison Hunter's To Change the World (Click Here). If you plan on attending, it would be a good idea to purchase these books in advance and begin reading them.
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
Reader Comments (2)
I am particularly interested in understanding baptism from a Reformed perspective. I am currently rethinking this doctrine and trying to be objective. I am slowly thinking through this and reading the material on the website for Christ Reformed Church. I need to get a good grasp of covenant theology.
You can learn covenant theology with a lot of reformed works including Louis Berkhof; Systematic Theology and a commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism by one of the two authors of it, Zacharias Ursinus.
There is an outstanding new book entitled, Sacred Bond, Covenant Theology Explored, by Michael G. Brown and Zach Keele.
Covenant theology is an awesome piece of theology which enables one to understand how all of the 66 books in the Bible fit into redemptive history.
The book, Sacred Bond uses the Covenant's of Redemption, Works, Grace and Common Grace (I call it the cov't of providence) as headings, and it fits in all of the other covenants under them using the Law and the Gospel perfectly.
The way I view it, covenant theology has to be commited to ones memory. It does no good to learn it and forget about it. It is well worth the time to learn it; how the covenants work and some of the Scripture citatiions.
The book, "Sacred Bond" is not only a good intro to cov't. theology but it is also good for well learned pastors and bible teaches as well.
It is outlined in such a way that a pastor or bible teacher can pick it up and quickly review the key doctrines before teaching as a quick refresher.
Hope that helps some.