This Week's White Horse Inn
Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 05:49PM
God's Story vs. Our Stories
When sharing the faith with others, should we primarily focus on what happened to Christ, or what happened to us? In other words, should we focus on the gospel of Christ as we find it unpacked in the New Testament, or should we emphasize our personal testimonies, explaining to others what God has done in our own lives? We put this question to a number of attendees at a Christian convention, and you might be surprised by their answers.
Reader Comments (2)
Kim, do you know if many people in your congregation listen to the show regularly?
Most of the members of Christ Reformed have found us through the White Horse Inn. I'm old news to many of them now, so these who listen regularly (a couple of times a month or who get the CDs) tend to be people who are come to us in the last couple of years. But there are exceptions, of course.