It's Here!

Just got a photo from the Lectio Continua series editor, Jon Payne, letting me know that Tolle Lege Press has my commentary on First Corinthians in stock. I can't wait to see it.
Those of you who ordered them directly from the publisher should be getting yours soon. You should also see the volume show up in the on-line bookstores in the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted as that happens.
If you want to order one right way, go here: To place an order
For more information on my Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on First Corinthians, to see the endorsements, or to the check out the other volumes in the series, go here: The Lectio Continua Series of Expository Commentaries
Reader Comments (2)
I think this is an important epistle which speaks to a number of issues we face today--including Pentecostalism. Like the Pauline letters with which we are more familiar (i.e., Galatians, Romans, Ephesians), there is much here which will "challenge their views."