This Week at Christ Reformed Church (April 29-May 5)

Sunday Morning (05/5/13): We are continuing our series on the Gospel of John, and will be looking at Jesus' assertion that he is the "living water" (John 7:37-52).
Sunday Afternoon: This Lord's Day I am continuing our series on the Canons of Dort. We are working our way through the First Head of Doctrine and the Canons' teaching on God's love for fallen humanity (Article 2, cf. John 3:16). Our afternoon service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. (05/1/13): We are continuing our series "Studies in the Book of Revelation." This week, we will look at the letter to the church in Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11).
The Academy 7:30 p.m. (5/03/13): We are discussing Michael Horton's theology text The Christian Faith. We are currently in chapter 5, and will be discussing the sufficiency of Scripture in light of critical Protestant scholarship.
Note: This is the last Academy session until the Summer/Fall 2013
For more information and directions, check out the Christ Reformed website: Christ Reformed Church
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